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We went on the ride one more time then we decide to go on others.

Hayes walked next to me the whole time.

We decided to go on the ride called tornado. It was my favorite.

When we were walking over there I heard two guys that I didn't know whispering behind me.

"Damnnn" the first one said

The second one was about to grab my butt but before he did I ran up to cam and told him

Cameron looked back and the guys and stopped right in front of them. He looked mad. I hid behind Cameron.

"So you were flirting with my girlfriend?" Cameron said then he turned to me and winked. I knew he was just kidding to scare them.

"What are you going to do there is one of you and two of us" the first guy laughed.

As soon as he said that all the guys stopped walking turned around and defending cam.

"Whatever" said the second guy and him and the first guy left.

When they were gone we all laughed.

"Thanks cam I'm sorry you had to do that." I said while hugging him.

"It's not your fault you have a nice ass." said Hayes.

I had my arms around cam still and looked at Hayes in disbelief.

Cam turned around and just stared at Hayes.

There was a moment of silence until cam broke it.

Cam looked at me and said "I mean your ass is pretty nice"

I let go of cam.

"OHHHHHH" all of the guys yelled

"Shut up" I said while playfully hitting cam.

We went on a lot of rides until everyone decided we should just go home.

I said bye to Nash, jack ,jack, carter, matt, Taylor , Aaron and Hayes.

Cameron was driving me home and he said he would help me look for apartments tomorrow.

"That sounds great!" I said.

I leaned on the side of the door thinking about Hayes.

"Can I ask you something" said cam

"Anything" I said

"Do you like hayes" he asked

I smiled

"I KNEW IT" he shouted.

"No I Don't" I laughed. " Well I don't know I mean he's cute but eh"

"Mhm" said cam

I laughed as he pulled up to my house.

"Well, see you tomorrow" I said

"Text me when you wake up so I can go with you to look for apartments." He said

"K bye loser I love you!" I yelled while walking In the door

"Bye you whore! I love you too" he said as a joke.

I went inside and took a shower because when we where in the pool Taylor peed in it so now I'm covered with the pee of Taylor....he told me his last name I forgot.......OH YEAH caniff. Ew.

I took a long hot shower and when I came out I put on pajamas and checked my phone.

I got a text from an unknown number.

I read it.

"Hey beautiful it's hayes" I smiled and texted back

"Did cam give you my number??"

"Mhm" he responded. " What are you doing tomorrow?" He asked.

"Cam is helping me look for apartments" I texted back

He responded. "I was going to look for my own apartment too! I'm tired of staying with Nash. Maybe we can look together ;)"

"Maybe" I said.

It was getting late so I texted Hayes goodnight and went to bed.

What a day.

I didn't know (Hayes Grier fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now