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*cams pov*

I woke up next to Hazel. She was still sleeping.

"Hazel wake up" I shook her to make sure Hayes wouldn't walk in again.

She opened her eyes. "good morning" she smile and sat up.

We both walked downstairs and Walked to the kitchen

We saw Hayes sitting at the table eating cereal.

He looked at us and stood up.

"Crap" I whispered.

"Hazel let me explain" Hayes said.

Hazel stood there and looked at Hayes.

"You left me there and I needed a ride home. Madison offered one and I accepted not knowing what to do because I left my phone in the car. I asked her to take me home but instead she took me to her house. I didn't go in until like 30 minutes because I was tired of waiting outside. She brought me in and sat me down on the couch and started kissing me. That's when you walked in" Hayes said.

Did she believe him?


I looked at Hayes and had a flashback to the time When I kissed cam and hayes forgave me.

I looked at cam then back and Hayes and sighed. 

"I'm sorry " Hayes said

"Im sorry too "I said while going up to hug him.


Shortly after Hayes and Hazel's make up session they decided to go back to their apartment.

I gave Hazel a hug and watched them leave.

She left me again.

I went upstairs to take a shower and saw Hazel's clothes on the floor.

She was still wearing my clothes.


Hayes and I drove home.

I checked my phone when I got there 10% -.-   

I bent down to pick up my charger and while I was bending down I looked at the clothes I was wearing.


I didn't want to take them off but I did.

I went upstairs and changed.

I texted cam and told him I have his clothes and he said keep them.

I put them in my top dresser and went downstairs to Hayes.

I was with Hayes.

Not Cameron.

I didn't know (Hayes Grier fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now