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I snuck past the guys and went to see Hazel.

I pulled up a chair next to the hospital bed she was on and I grabbed her hand.

I started to cry.
I closed my eyes and pretended this wasn't happening.

*hazel pov*
My eyes were closed and I couldn't open them.

Until I saw it.

My whole life flashed before my eyes.
I knew the magcon boys.
I dated Carter.
Alexa posted the video.
I hurt myself.
I saw a therapist
Carter was a lost memory.

Is that what my dreams were trying to tell me??

So when I fainted I fell asleep long enough to know??
My memory is back.
And Alexa never told me.

I tried to open my eyes again but this time it worked.

I saw Carter holding my hand and he as crying.

I squeezed his hand to let him know I'm awake. He looked at me and I smiled at him.

*carter pov*
I felt Hazel squeeze my hand and I looked at her and she was smiling at me.

"You know huh?"I asked her.

She nodded.
I got up and gave her a hug.
"I miss you so much!" I told her.
She smiled at me.
She put her fingers on her lips.
I nodded. She meant to not tell anyone yet.
"" she pushed out her words which were hard for her because she was dehydrated.

My smile faded.
I nodded and walked out of the room.
I walked to the waiting room and everyone stood up.

"She's awake" I told them.
"And she wants to see cam only."

*cams pov*
"She's awake" said Carter.
"And we wants to see cam only."

"Mhm" I told Hayes.

He frowned.
I walked to the room she was in and Carter told the doctor she was awake.

Hazel was laying down looking at the Ceiling.
"Hey baby girl" I said standing at the door frame.

She smiled at me and patted on the hospital bed. I walked towards her and sat next to her on the bed.

She rested her head on my shoulder.

"" she managed to push out.

The doctor came in right away and brought water in for Hazel.

All the boys rest of the boys walked in.

"H-a-yes!" She yelled while still trying to push out her words.

Hayes ran up to her and kissed her on the cheek.

" Hazel you need to drink this" said the doctors while handing her the water.

She literally drank the whole bottle without stopping.

"Can I get more?" She asked.

"I'll go it it" Shawn said while walking out of the room.

"Why am I here?" Hazel asked.

"You were dehydrated and you fainted but good thing your boyfriend found you and called for help."

Hazel looked at Hayes and smiled.

Johnson spoke up "no sir I'm not the boyfriend" he laughed.

Hazel turned her attention off of Hayes and looked at Johnson.

"Thank you" she smiled.

I couldn't help it. I bursted out laughing.

Hazel elbowed me.
"Shut up cam you weren't there and I was calling YOUR NAME. not jack's. "

Hayes started to laugh.

"Shut up Hayes you weren't there either. 'BOYYYFRIENDD'!" I snapped at him but I said the word boyfriend while doing finger quotations.

Hayes stopped laughing and flicked me off.

"Hazel are you okay?" Said Alexa while walking up to her.

Hazels eyes widened and she tended up.

"Carter what is she doing here??" Hazel asked Carter

"What do you mean what am I doing here?" Said Alexa.

"Carter keep her away from me!" Yelled Hazel while getting off the hospital bed and running towards Carter and hiding behind him.

"M'am please don't run!" Said the doctor

Alexa chased Hazel around Carter.


Hazel hugged Carter really tight.

"Hazel calm down what's wrong" I asked.

"SHE HURT CARTER" Hazel yelled.

I was so confused

"she remembers?" Alexa asked Carter worried.

He nodded.

"REMEMBER WHAT?" Yelled Hayes.

"Get out of here!" Hazel yelled at alexa.

What the heck.

*hazel pov*
"Get out of here!" I yelled at alexa.

"Why??" Said Alexa.

"YOU RUINED MY LIFE! I COULD HAVE HAD ALL OF THIS ALREADY BUT YOU LIED TO ME!!" I yelled at Alexa still hugging Carter very tight.

"Hazel what are you talking about! I'm pretty sure I have made your life better!! I gave you Hayes and cam!! You needed to get rid of Carter for your own good!!" Alexa yelled at me.

"Hazel what does she mean she gave you me??" Hayes yelled at me.

"Carter please make her leave."I yelled.

"No fuck Carter what the hell is going on Hazel??" Hayes yelled at me.

"Hazel what are you talking about!" Cam also yelled at me.

"Where is Shawn?"I asked.

The room was getting darker and I needed water.

"Oh so now you want Shawn to hug??" Hayes yelled at me.

"No I need water. I'm dizzy." I hid behind Carter.

"Hazel what is going on with you and Carter?" Cam yelled at me.

" cam please stop yelling " I cried.

"Stop sleeping with all my friends!" Hayes yelled at me.

"I'm not!" I cried.

"Carter?"I whined

"Yes Hazel?" He said softly

"Sweater" I said while falling to the floor.

Everyone including The doctor ran up to me and I closed my eyes.

I didn't know (Hayes Grier fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now