Chapter 2: Look Out! New Friends Ahead!

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Chapter 2: Look Out! New Friends Ahead!

Shang Tu Island – Dragon Valley


Running had always been Sonic's game. Ever since he could remember, running had been his natural state. From the vast, green terrains of Green Hill with its rolling hills and loop-de-loops to the industrial complexes of Chemical Plant with its hazardous chemicals, Sonic thrived on the thrill of speed. He even enjoyed traversing the deadly traps that Eggman set in his fortresses. Sonic reveled in the wind blowing against his face and the rush of adrenaline that came with pushing his limits.

In Dragon Valley, the terrain was a breathtaking blend of rocky cliffs and grassy meadows. Towering cliffs rose majestically above the verdant landscape, dotted with ancient ruins. Sonic leaped from platform to platform, navigated natural loops, and used well-placed blue springs to boost his speed. He was in his element.

Dodging yet another laser fired at him by one of the three Egg Robos in hot pursuit, Sonic grinned. The Egg Robos' lasers sliced through the air with deadly precision, but Sonic was faster. He used a geyser on the ground to launch himself skyward, the burst of steam propelling him upward. Curling into a ball, he spun into one of the robots, smashing into it. Metal shards flew everywhere, and a small rabbit emerged from the wreckage, blinking in confusion before scampering away. Sonic landed gracefully on an upper platform.

"C'mon, step it up, guys," he taunted, a cocky grin on his face. "You gotta aim those things better!"

The remaining robots retaliated with a barrage of lasers. Sonic deftly zigzagged through them as he closed the distance. With another spin dash, he tore apart a second robot, freeing a little chipmunk that scurried off into the safety of the underbrush. Sonic then leaped into the air and landed on the final Egg Robo, which started to fly erratically, trying in vain to shake him off.

"Yee-haw!" Sonic exclaimed, riding the robot like a rodeo cowboy. He steered it toward a nearby rock wall.


The last Egg Robo crashed into the rock wall and exploded, scattering parts everywhere. A small blue bird fluttered out, chirping gratefully at Sonic before flying away. "And that's a wrap!" Sonic declared, raising his arms triumphantly. "Better luck next time, Eggman!" He turned to leave, but a small, unfamiliar robot caught his eye—a yellow ball with stubby legs and a green cannon. The robot aimed at Sonic and fired.

"Whoa!" Sonic exclaimed, narrowly dodging the projectile. "Sheesh, almost got me." He eyed the robot curiously, his brow furrowed. "Huh, would you look at that, a brand-new robot. Doesn't really look too Eggman-y though... Eh, a robot is a robot." He dodged another shot and then spin-dashed into the machine, sending it flying. The robot exploded on impact, scattering debris.

"Alright, buddy, come out; you're free now," Sonic said expectantly, waiting for a small animal to emerge. But instead of acritter, a strange creature with a giant eye and wings appeared. Sonic stared at it, bewildered.

 Sonic stared at it, bewildered

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