Chapter 31: Panda Thoughts

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Chapter 31: Panda Thoughts


Shuigang Island - Shuigang Palace, Evening Hours

As the sun set over the cold northern lands of Shuigang Island, a shadow was cast over the town below by the towering Shuigang Palace. The palace loomed ominously over the mountains, its dark structure reflecting the current state of unease in the region. The kingdom, once proud, now found itself at the center of growing hostilities from Shang Tu and Shang Mu. The attacks on both cities had shocked the island's inhabitants, and whispers of war filled the air as tensions reached a boiling point.

Inside the palace, the warm golden glow of the interior contrasted sharply with the cold exterior. Shuigang guards patrolled nervously alongside Robotnik's robots, their presence far less reassuring. The tension was palpable, even among the seasoned warriors. The alliance with Robotnik had made many uneasy, and rumors about the doctor's true intentions spread like wildfire.

In a secluded room, far removed from the bustle of the palace's main halls, Spade lay on a large bed, surrounded by the soothing scent of life petals. His muscles ached from his recent injuries, but the life petals he methodically rubbed against his wounds slowly mended his physical pain. His face, however, remained locked in a deep frown as his mind whirled with conflicting emotions.

The recent events in Shang Mu and his failed assassination attempt on Mayor Zao haunted him. He had been so sure of his mission, driven by anger and a sense of duty to his father, but now... doubt gnawed at his insides like a persistent itch he couldn't scratch.

More than anything, it was Sash's voice that echoed in his thoughts, her pleading words replaying over and over:

"Spade... please."

Her words stirred an uncomfortable mixture of confusion and anger deep within him.

"Robotnik was involved in your father's murder..."

That claim, delivered by Sash with such conviction, was what truly gnawed at his mind.

"Was he?" Spade muttered under his breath, his brow furrowing as he recalled how he first came into contact with Robotnik.

His thoughts drifted back to the day he visited his brother after learning about their father's assassination. He remembered stepping into the throne room, his heart heavy with anger, and being greeted not only by Dail, but also by Robotnik. The doctor, a strange and unnerving figure, who was also a high ranking figure in Shang Mu, had claimed to know the identity of the culprit. Spade had trusted him then, thinking only of vengeance. He had gone off on his own to take down Zao without question.

But now? Doubts swirled like a storm in his mind. Could Robotnik have been manipulating him all along?

The room was quiet except for the rustling of the petals and Spade's occasional mutterings. His thoughts were interrupted by a soft knock on the door. The door creaked open, revealing Dail, his warm brown eyes filled with a mixture of concern and sadness. Dail's expression was gentle, but the tension between the brothers was palpable.

"Hope you're recovering well, Spade," Dail said quietly, his voice soft but firm.

Spade didn't look up at first, still focused on the petals. "Yeah, it's good. Need more petals, though," he replied curtly.

Dail nodded understandingly. "That can be arranged." His eyes drifted to the window, where the golden hues of the sunset painted the sky in a serene glow. A heavy silence settled between the two, the air thick with unspoken words.

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