Chapter 33: Prison Escape?

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Heyyyyy, my longest chapter as of now.


Chapter 33: Prison Escape?

Royale Palace - Dungeon Sewers, Night Hours

The thick, oppressive air of the dungeon sewers hung heavily around Milla and Amy as they hurried through the palace's labyrinthine underground passages. Every breath felt like a struggle.

"Ugh, this place smells so bad!" Amy exclaimed, her voice filled with disgust as she wrinkled her nose, trying to fend off the odor. She raised a hand to cover her face.

Milla, running on all fours ahead of Amy, paused and twitched her nose. The foul air was making her lightheaded. "I'm getting dizzy..." she muttered as her ears flicked back in irritation.

Despite her dizziness, Milla's resolve remained firm. They had to find Torque and Gyro. There was no time to rest, not with the palace guards closing in on them. The duo continued navigating the maze-like sewers, leaping over murky pools of water and dodging bursts of steam and water from the rusted, leaking pipes above. The path twisted and turned, a confusing network of narrow corridors and platforms, many covered in a thick, slippery green slime.

As they ran, Amy's ears perked up, picking up the faint sounds of boots clattering against the metal walkways behind them-the guards were closing in.

"They're really going all out to catch us!" Amy shouted, her voice echoing off the damp walls. "Milla, where to?"

Milla paused, sniffing the air intently. Her sensitive nose twitched as she tried to pick up Torque's scent through the overwhelming stench of the sewers. "That way!"

Without hesitation, they continued down the path, but as they turned a corner, they were met with an unexpected sight.

"Huh?!" Amy exclaimed, her eyes widening as strange creatures emerged from the water and walls around them. The flying eyeballs, just like the ones from the invasion. "They're down here too?!"

"They're Shade Cores!" Milla called out, her voice sharp with tension. She remembered the name Tails had given them during their meeting with the Magister. They had found their way into the sewers, and where now assimilating slime and metal turning into brand new robots as they lunged toward the girls, their bodies writhing and contorting.

Amy quickly summoned her Piko Piko Hammer, gripping it tightly in her hands. "Well, guess we're not getting out of here without a fight!" she shouted as she swung her hammer with precision, striking down the first approaching slime monster. The creature splattered into a puddle of goo and parts as the Shade Core fled in panic.

Milla formed a green alchemy cube in her hands, with a swift motion, she launched the cube at a cluster of Shade Cores that where not assimilated yet, the alchemic blast causing them to disintegrate on impact.

The two girls fought side by side, fending off wave after wave of the strange creatures. Amy swung her hammer with expert precision, while Milla continued to blast them with her green energy cubes.

"How did they get down here?!" one soldier's voice echoed through the tunnels, filled with confusion and alarm.

"They must have survived the invasion and hid in the sewers! Destroy them all, but don't lose track of the fugitives!" another shouted, his tone commanding and harsh.

A third voice, high-pitched and panicked, added to the chaotic noise. "Quack!"

Despite the mounting pressure from both the Shade Cores and the approaching guards, Milla and Amy pressed on, refusing to let anything slow them down.

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