Chapter 3: Big Rocks, A Slithering Threat, and One Bald Man!

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Chapter 3: Big Rocks, A Slithering Threat, and One Mean Egg!


Dragon Valley

"Gold Rings?!" Carol exclaimed, slicing through a Dragonfly robot with her claws amidst the bamboo thickets of the valley. Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she zoomed alongside Sonic. "And you have how many?!"

Sonic, effortlessly dodging another Dragonfly's charge, smirked as he spun into the robot, dismantling it with ease. "Lost count after the seventh," he said nonchalantly, landing on his feet. "But they're not exactly real gold or anything. They look like it, but don't have much value, and most places don't even accept them," he explained with a dramatic sigh.

"Aw, man," Carol pouted, but quickly perked up. "Still, it's so cool that you come from a whole different island! I don't think I've ever met anyone from outside, like, ever!"

Sonic grinned, spin-dashing into a group of spiky, two-legged green robots known as Cacteons. "Well, glad to be your first true visitor," he said, giving her a playful bow. Suddenly, he grabbed a Cacteon mid-air and, with a mischievous whistle, called out to Carol. "Yo, Carol! Up top!" With a swift kick, he sent the robot flying toward her.

Carol grinned from ear to ear, jumping up and slamming the incoming robot into a nearby Ganseki, causing it to shatter. "Boom! Three points!" she cheered, landing and giving Sonic a high-five. "Man, that was awesome!"

Sonic chuckled, a glint of pride in his eyes. "What can I say? I'm just that cool," he shrugged as they continued along the winding, rocky path. "So, what's the deal with all these robots? Got a slight clue, but wouldn't mind the full scoop," he asked, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

Carol gave him a curious look. "Well, it basically started three days ago when—" She was cut off by a sudden, ominous click and a loud thump behind them. They turned around just in time to see a massive boulder appear from nowhere.

"Uh oh," they exclaimed in unison, eyes widening as the boulder started moving toward them with terrifying speed.


Dragon Valley

As Lilac and Tails navigated the lush terrain, they marveled at the breathtaking beauty of the cascading waterfalls. Tails was particularly fascinated by the peculiar energy crystals scattered around. "Incredible! These robots not only have a different design from the ones I know, but when defeated, they drop blue energy crystals! Solidified energy that can replenish your own or charge any equipment that requires it! And they appear naturally in the terrain too!" he exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

Lilac smiled at his enthusiasm. "Yeah, that's the gist of it," she said, her tone playful. "You're pretty smart with this kinda stuff, aren't you?" she teased, nudging him lightly.

Tails blushed, looking slightly embarrassed. "S-sorry, I sometimes get caught up with brand new things," he admitted, scratching the back of his head sheepishly.

Lilac giggled softly, finding his modesty endearing. "No problem, Tails. It's nice to see someone so fascinated by the crystals."

Tails nodded, a small smile forming on his lips. "Maybe it helps that I'm not from around here," he added with a chuckle.

Lilac laughed. "Yeah, I guess it does," she agreed, glancing ahead along the path, littered with the remains of broken robots. "I just hope your friend doesn't get into trouble, not knowing the path and all."

Tails nodded, his expression growing serious. "Don't worry, Lilac. My friend Sonic always finds his way, though I'm kinda worried he might do something reckless," he admitted, a mix of worry and exasperation in his voice.

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