Chapter 17: Mission Failed, We'll Get Them Next Time!

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Chapter 17: Mission Failed, We'll Get Them Next Time!


Relic Mountain – Kingdom Stone's Chamber, Noon Hours

3 Minutes Before Bean's Big Blast

The tension in the Kingdom Stone's chamber reached higher stakes as Sonic and Spade continued their ferocious battle.

Sonic's fur was ragged and torn, marked with deep cuts and burns from Spade's deadly cards. Spade himself was in no better shape—bruised, his clothes torn to shreds, and his once-confident demeanor cracked by exhaustion. Yet despite their weariness, neither showed any signs of backing down as the Kingdom Stone gleamed behind them.

Spade spat on the ground, eyes flashing with defiance as he pulled out another set of cards. "Persistent, aren't you?"

Sonic wiped the sweat from his brow. "What can I say?" he quipped with a cocky grin. "It's one of my better qualities." Without a word, both charged at each other once again.

Nearby, Lilac and Carol faced off against the Mantalith. Lilac darted around the guardian, charging her energy into a Cyclone attack. She launched herself forward, the spiraling force of her attack aimed at the creature's right eye. The blow connected with a resounding crack, and the Mantalith staggered as its eye turned from bright yellow to a deep, bloody red. The creature's pained screech echoed through the chamber. "Carol, aim for the other eyes!"

"Got it!" Carol responded, leaping high into the air and landing a rapid series of kicks to the Mantalith's left eye. The eye began to crack under the assault, and the monstrous guardian grew more erratic in its movements, swinging its massive scythes wildly as it tried to fend off the relentless attack.

The Mantalith, now half-blinded and fully furious, unleashed a shriek that sent tremors through the cavern.

"Is it just me, or is this thing getting angrier?" Carol yelled between dodges, barely avoiding a lethal swing from one of the Mantalith's scythes.

"That means it's working!" Lilac replied, leaping high into the air again, aiming for the Mantalith's head as she charged a Dragon Boost. "We just need to keep going!"

2 Minutes Before Bean's Big Blast

The battle raged on as Spade and Sonic's duel grew to its climax. Spade's movements became more erratic, his energy nearly drained. He threw another explosive card, but Sonic dodged it effortlessly, the card detonating against the chamber wall.

Spade snarled, wiping the blood from his mouth. He was on the brink of collapse. "You're out of your league, hedgehog. You don't know what you're messing with!"

Sonic grinned, though his breath came in ragged gasps. "Heh, yeah, I get that a lot, but here I am, still standing!"

The two fighters dashed toward each other. Sonic's punches were quick and precise, while Spade, now desperate, swung recklessly in frustration. Finally, Spade landed a blow that knocked Sonic back, sending him tumbling across the chamber floor.

Sonic recovered quickly, his body spinning into a blur as he launched a spin dash toward Spade with full force. Spade attempted to Flash Jump away, but Sonic was faster this time, catching up to him mid-leap and delivering a kick that sent Spade crashing into the rocky ground.

Spade, winded and at his limit, growled in frustration. This random hedgehog—a nobody to him—was beating him. And worse, Sonic was still smiling. That infuriating grin never seemed to fade, even with all his cuts and burns.

"You're done," Sonic said, standing over him.

Meanwhile, Lilac and Carol were nearing the end of their own battle with the Mantalith. Both girls were battered, their bodies marked with cuts and bruises from the creature's vicious attacks. But with each strike, the Mantalith grew weaker, its eyes now fully cracked.

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