Chapter 14: A Fierce Battle Between Maidens!

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{Pre A/N}

Welcome to my longest chapter to date, really proud. Sorry that I had to delete it earlier spot an  error.


Chapter 14: A Fierce Battle Between Maidens!


Relic Island – On top of the Egg-Bullet, Morning Hours

To say Sonic was disappointed would have been an understatement. The moment he spotted the Heavy Rider, he nearly stumbled mid-run, a groan escaping his lips. "You've got to be kidding me..."

Heavy Rider stood tall on her deranged Motobug, Jimmy, twirling her flail dramatically. "Hoho, it has been quite a while, hasn't it, Sonic thy Hedgehog?" Her voice was filled with exaggerated knightly flourish. Jimmy revved its engine beneath her, the Motobug's eyes swirling like a crazed beast. "But I shall deal with thee and thy companions later!" She pointed her flail at Neera, who stood in front of her, icy determination in her gaze.

Carol turned to Sonic with curiosity. "Who the heck is that?" she asked, noticing Sonic's unease.

"Someone annoying," Sonic grumbled, his tone flat with frustration. "She's part of a squad of Eggman's special robots that he created. They call themselves the Hard-Boiled Heavies. We've tangled with them a few times."

"Wait, she?" Lilac raised an eyebrow.

Sonic shrugged. "Yeah, she addresses herself that way. Might as well respect it." His tone was casual, but his eyes were locked on the armored figure ahead.

At the top of the train, Neera stood tall and poised, her eyes narrowing as she locked onto Heavy Rider. The armored knight sat confidently on her Motobug, Jimmy, lifting her massive flail in a dramatic arc.

"You!" Neera's voice was firm, her Cryo Staff in hand. "Get out of my way or be crushed, robot!"

Heavy Rider laughed, her voice filled with regal arrogance. "Ho! Not introducing thyself? What kind of maiden art thou?" She chuckled, Jimmy roaring beneath her. "No matter! Thy bravery is admirable, but thy fate is sealed!" With a sudden roar from Jimmy, Heavy Rider charged forward, her flail swinging.

"Have at you!" Heavy Rider cried, swinging her flail down at Neera. The clash of metal and ice rang out across the train as Neera blocked the blow with her Cryo Staff, the sheer force of the strike pushing her back but not knocking her down.

Neera gritted her teeth and retaliated with a barrage of ice shards, each one aimed precisely at her target. But Heavy Rider spun on Jimmy with surprising grace, deflecting the icy projectiles with her flail, her laughter echoing through the air. "Ha! Not bad, Ice Maiden," she taunted. "But thou art merely delaying thy inevitable doom!"

Jimmy zipped around the top of the train with erratic speed, dodging Neera's attacks. Neera's frustration grew, her movements becoming more forceful as she fought to keep up with the agile robot.

"Thy attempts art futile, Ice Maiden!" Heavy Rider swung her flail again, sending it crashing toward Neera's side. Neera barely dodged, but the relentless speed and weight of the weapon were wearing her down. "Face the might of Jimmy and me!" the knight declared, her red eyes gleaming with anticipation.

Neera launched another barrage of ice bullets, but Jimmy expertly dodged them once more, zooming past her with unnatural speed. The relentless barrage of attacks from Heavy Rider was taking its toll—Neera's movements slowed, her energy waning as exhaustion from the past few sleepless days began to creep in. The fight had barely begun, and already Neera felt like she was losing ground.

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