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A sudden voice jolts me awake, my eyes snapping open as my body instinctively tenses at the unfamiliar presence. The room is dark, the only light coming from the moon streaming through the tall windows, casting a faint glow on a figure looming in the corner. Acting on pure instinct, I slowly prop myself up on my elbows, like a predator sizing up its prey, and press my back against the headboard to steady myself.


They're here.

The immediate threat demands a response, urging me to retaliate and defend myself. My senses are on high alert, muscle memory kicking into overdrive as I prepare to strike. Keeping my eyes locked on the dark figure, I cautiously reach toward the bedside table, desperate to find anything that could serve as a weapon. My fingers brush against cold metal, and without hesitation, I grip it tightly, lifting the object into the air.

"I really wouldn't—"

With tremendous speed I hurl the metal object at the figure, his speech only triggering my reaction. With a loud thud the object hits the exact center of the chest of the intruder and falls onto the ground. But he just stands there, zero reaction, his stance unchanged.

"Ouch?" The smooth silky voice reacts and takes a step into my direction, his body emerging into the glowing moonlight. "Was that really necessary, darling?"

A deep frown forms between my eyebrows as a pair of striking emerald eyes stare back at mine, the oh so familiar smirk forming on Loki's face as he studies my reaction. His dark raven locks of hair are almost blue in this light, the usual slick back look now replaced for more casual soft curls framing his chiselled face. The refined golden and leather armour was replaced with a simple black t-shirt and fitted trousers, the contours of his body now more visible than ever, his toned muscles and lean posture outlined under the fabrics. His hands are casually slid into the trousers pockets, his expression etched with pure entertainment and intrigue as his eyes, just like mine, trail down my body, carefully taking in every detail.

The last time I saw Loki was when he was in shackles, ready to be deported to another planet for the idiotic crimes he'd committed. He'd inflicted pain on me, tortured me, mocked me, abducted me and damn nearly had me killed, and now... There he is. Standing in front of me with that annoying dumb smile as if I'm the most exhilarating thing he'd seen in his entire life, like a creep gawping at me. I can feel my jaw clenching so hard my teeth might crack as the growing tension fills the heavy air, my breathing matching my racing heartbeat.

The only reason I can think of to justify his presence here was him finishing what he'd started. A pure rage washes over me at the thought of this asshole making a third attempt to seize me and use me for whatever psychopathic plan he'd manage to muster up in that sick mind of his. I can feel my hands ball under the sheets, my nails digging deep into the beds of my hands, hard enough to draw blood. I knew I was still too weak to overpower him, but I sure as hell could put up a fight.

"Are you just going to stand there and stare at me like a creep?" I seethe through my clenched teeth in an attempt to hide my trembling voice. "You've fucking lost, remember? You really think I'm the key to winning this? Just know I won't come so easily this time."

For a moment his calm demeanour drops, and a flush of something that could only be described as pain flickers behind his eyes. But the moment is short lived. His expression quickly returns back to one of pure entertainment, his grimache growing wider as my words fill the room, and a sinister laugh escapes from his lungs, mocking me with effortless ease. He slowly pulls his hand out of his pocket and runs his fingers through his hair, savouring the tension building around us.

You Want It Darker? (OC x Loki x Winter Soldier)Where stories live. Discover now