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Together we leave the small apartment behind and walk towards the black van parked in front. The Winter Soldier was carrying a duffle bag with a few weapons and other helpful toys for the party tonight. The door of the van swings open and Rumlow jumps out of one of the seats. The Winter Soldier looks behind him to me and gestures to me to follow him. I give him a small nod that I'm fine and take quicker steps trying to keep up with him as we move to the van.

The Soldier passes Rumlow and pulls himself into the backseat of the car. I follow closely behind him but am once again stopped in my tracks as Rumlow places his hand on my arm to pause me. I can see the Winter Soldier eyeing Rumlow, closely watching his movements.

"One wrong move and we'll activate you," he reaches over and whispers into my ear. The vague threat is something I'm assuming I do not want to happen, and frown at him. He looks me up and down, studying my body and leans in closer to me. "You should wear this more often for me, Shadow," he smirks.

"And you should watch your fucking words, свинья (pig)," I say calmly at him under my breath and push him away.

I get into the back of the van and sit next to the Winter Soldier, who's still staring at Rumlow, his gaze darkened as he follows his movement. The door of the van slides closed, leaving the two of us alone as the other three handlers sit in the front.

We sit there in silence for a moment as the car starts moving. We make the same trip back I've done a number of times now, heading towards the Stark Tower once more. I fiddle nervously at my fingers and stare out of the window, and watch the darkness of the city pass by.

"You think they'll give us more missions like this?" I ask the Winter Soldier as I look back up at him.

"Possibly," he replies and looks back down at me.

"Hm," I nod at him. "I hate to admit it, but the mission was actually kinda nice."

"Hm," he hums back in agreement.

I look up surprised at him, not expecting him to agree to my statement. He looks back at me and his eyebrow tweaks up slightly

"Promise me one thing, Soldat," I say with a small smile. "Не умирай (Don't die)."

"Только если ты не умрешь первым,Ten (Only if you don't die first, Shadow)," he responds after a short moment in a low Russian voice.

The car slowly comes to a halt and we've arrived about a block away from the Stark Tower. The Winter Soldier leans in front and grabs a mask and goggles from his back and attaches them onto his face. His entire face is now completely unrecognisable, only his long brown locks suggesting his identity. He then leans towards me and gets as close as possible to my face as the door of the van slowly is being pulled open.

"Remember, Shadow. Do not touch the black ichor," he slowly states and looks at me a final time before he jumps with the black duffle bag out of the van and walks into an alley down the side of the street where the van had come to a halt. I watch him walk away and see him turn a final time to see us drive off again.

The car drives for another few minutes and comes again to a halt, this time in front of the Stark Tower entrance. The door unlocks and Rumlow holds out his hand to guide me out the car. I ignore him and move past him as I glide out and let my heels make contact with the smooth sidewalk. I straighten my dress and move a few strands of hair out of my face.

I look back at the van a final time and give them a quick nod, before turning and walking into the direction of the entrance of the tower. By now the sun had set far below the horizon, and the building was lit up with dim soft lighting. In front of the building a mob of men with cameras had collected themselves, and car after car was dropping off one after the other extremely elegantly looking guests. I look around to see another way in, but when I look back I still see the HYDRA van lingering on the curb of the street.

You Want It Darker? (OC x Loki x Winter Soldier)Where stories live. Discover now