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I let out a deep sigh, my senses slowly stirring to life as the gentle caress of sunlight kisses my face, coaxing me from slumber. With a languid stretch, I reach out to explore the soft embrace of the sheets and mattress, relishing in their comforting warmth. My fingers glide over the smooth contours of his jaw, tracing the rugged terrain of his stubble with a delicate touch, only to encounter an unexpected chill—a stark contrast to the warmth surrounding us.

Wait a second.

In a jolt, my eyes shoot open, and I realise my body is in a vastly different position from when I went to sleep. I find myself trapped in a tender yet firm embrace, the Winter Soldier's steel arm is wrapped around my waist, while his human arm holds me in a chokehold-like position, his hand firmly gripping my shoulder. My head rests on his calmly rising and falling chest, the soft fabric of his undershirt gently rubbing against my cheek.

I glance down and realise I've unconsciously drawn closer to him while sleeping, my legs entwined around his lower torso like a cat's. When I look up again, I find the soldier's eyes still shut tight, his breathing slow and steady, each exhale deep and measured. In that moment, my panic subsides, and I find myself admiring the sight of him peacefully asleep for the first time. He looks beautiful in this state. A small sigh escapes me, and I feel the corners of my lips twitching upward as I take it all in.

Attempting to free myself from the soldier's embrace, I shift slightly, only to find his grip on my hip and shoulder tightening, pulling me closer onto his broad frame. Struggling not to be overwhelmed by his hold, I press my free arm against his chest, pushing myself away from him.

Jesus fucking christ, how is this man so fucking strong.

I let out a small grunt, my chest being almost squeezed to death by this murder machine.

" Zima," I murmur, my face squished into his torso.

"Hm," I hear him respond in a low rumble.

" Zima, " I repeat again, now slightly louder, hoping the soldier realises our current situation.

" Что? (What?) " The soldier grunts again, slightly shifting in his position, pulling me even closer than I thought was even possible.

"You're going to kill me," I wheeze out, trying to pry myself away from his body.

In an abrupt shock, the eyes of the soldier shoot open and he looks down at my predicament.

"I-," the soldier stammers for a moment. "Sorry, doll," he blurts out and quickly pulls his arms away from my body, releasing me from his clasps.

I let out a small chuckle at his surprising response, and I notice that the man's definitely not fully awake yet.

Where the fuck did that come from?

"Time to get up, sleeping beauty," I grimache at him, and prop my body onto my elbows.

" Я проснулся (I'm awake) ," the soldier replies with a sleep laced voice, rumbling from his chest.

"Yeah, you sure look like it," I smirk at him and pull my legs off the mattress.

Then it hits me—today marks the final day of working at Stark Tower. Unable to process what the fuck that just was that happened, I decide to just leave it for what it is. Glance back at the still half asleep soldier, struggling to regain consciousness.

Jesus christ it's like waking up a bear from its winter sleep.

Tonight, everything will unfold.

You Want It Darker? (OC x Loki x Winter Soldier)Where stories live. Discover now