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I walk back up to the entrance of the lab and hold the plastic card up to the electronic pad. The doors slowly slide open and reveal a similar long hallway stretched out in front of us. Before I walk in, in a hurry I grab a few of the knives I'd thrown at the guards from their bodies and pick up a handgun from the floor. I jump up and start walking deeper into the tower with the Winter Soldier a few feet as usual in front of me with large strides moving forward. The drastic difference in appearance between me and the Winter Soldier was almost comical. Him in full leather combat gear, his long brown hair dishevelled in front of his face and the large metal arm swinging along his side. And me, in a all but concealing thin silk dress and fucking glitter heels. Even with the added height the soldier was still towering over me, if not by height then in width.

We walked alongside each other into the secured lab, and to our surprise didn't encounter any more security thus far. We passed by a number of glass windows with behind them all sorts of containment rooms housing a variety of technology I had never seen before in my life. Some of the holdings had strange looking artefacts or bioengineered objects housed in smaller glass boxes in the middle of the spaces and looked highly protected. I remember the blueprints that the soldier had shown me, but seeing this space in real life was something completely different. I couldn't even fathom what Stark would want to use these engineered artefacts for, assuming they could do a great deal of damage if used incorrectly.

I could feel the air getting thicker the deeper we walked into the lab, a strange buzzing feeling of static electricity resonating on my skin and humming in my ears growing as we passed more and more of the highly secured contained rooms and chambers. Strange stones and unfamiliar glowing objects were carefully placed in the center of the glass boxes on display. But I could tell although they were well in sight, these objects were far from easy to just grab and take. The soldier comes to a halt as we stand in front of another secured door with narrow glass windows to look through.

"This is it," he states and walks over to the electronic key pad securing the door.

I walk over to the door and stand on my toes to glare through the small window and on the other side of the glass see the continuation of the lab. But what was a stark difference was that the walls and ceilings were made out of larger steel beams and enforced architecture, giving a sign that whatever was in this room needed the extra reinforcement. In the center of the room was a large glass box, big enough to hold a human being comfortably, with a large steel and glass door enclosing it. In the center of this glass box stood a technical stand with laying on top of it a large steel case locked closed with heavy metal clamps and technical locks.

I look over to the soldier and I notice he reveals a small drive from one of his pockets and holds it up to the electronic pad. The faint noise of electronic beeping emerges and in mere moments a small blinking light turns green. I hear air decompressing from the heavy doors and they slide open smoothly, giving us entry to the heavy secured lab.

"Why don't I have one of those?" I quirk up an eyebrow at him as I gesture to the device that accessed the electronic pad.

"HYDRA has their reasons," the soldier glares at me and walks past me into the lab.

"Okay, rude," I huff and follow him inside.

The Winter Soldier walks over to the large computer standing in front of the glass room and places the electronic device on one of the machines. The screens light up and a window pops open showing a sea of numbers and letters encrypting the passcode to bypass the security. He stares at the screen till a red box appears stating VAULT DISARMED and walks over to the enforced door of the holding. He pushes the door open and in an instant I can feel the electrical humming and static energy grow larger than what we felt walking here. I stumble back for a moment, adjusting to the changed atmosphere and stare at the soldier as he approaches the metal case.

You Want It Darker? (OC x Loki x Winter Soldier)Where stories live. Discover now