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"The Winter Soldier and his Shadow," he addresses us with a light German accent.

The Winter Soldier approaches the desk and I nervously shuffle behind him. Strucker settles into his seat behind the large desk, his gaze piercing as he reaches for a folder. He slowly opens it and eyes me up and down.

With deliberate slowness, Strucker opens the folder, his eyes scanning the contents with calculated precision before shifting his focus to me. "I've been glad to hear your training has been improving," he begins, his tone measured and deliberate. I can feel the weight of his scrutiny as he studies the file laid out before him, assessing my abilities and potential. "Your purpose here will be much greater than you might realise."

Turning his attention to the Winter Soldier, Strucker's voice takes on a commanding edge. "Mission report: Тень."

I glance over at the soldier. "Mission?" I breathe out somewhat offended.

"Shadow remains unactivated. Strength and overall combat improving, no direct signs yet of serum effects," the soldier, almost robotic, starts briefing out loud. "Behaviour demonstrates signs of... deviating verbal emotions-"

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" I whisper under my breath, my confusion mounting as the Winter Soldier continues speaking, his voice devoid of emotion as he continues the evaluation.

"-from the standard operational demeanour. But shows no potential implications towards team cohesion and adherence to established protocol. Asset Shadow is positive to ensure mission objectives and operational standards," the Soldier finishes, not breaking eye contact with Strucker.

Strucker remains silent for a moment, his eyes flickering over the file spread out before him. Finally, he clears his throat and rises from his seat, his movements deliberate as he approaches me.

"We will test your faith and new abilities for HYDRA with a most important mission, little one," he says in a low serious voice. He walks around the desk and stands in front of me, with his hands clasped behind his back. Little one. I hadn't heard that nickname in a long time. A tactic to push me into obedience, to remind me of my past. But it worked.

"I won't let you down sir," I try to say with confidence.

"Since your report so far has been as positive as can be, and your collaborations with the Winter Soldier have been surprisingly effective, it's time for you to take your place," Strucker replies.

"My place?"

"Yes, your place among us helping our cause and helping Hydra to better the world. You have done a lot for us already but it is time to introduce you to the real world, Brooks," he says with intensity as he moves closer to me. Him voicing out my name widened my eyes. I hadn't heard that name in months now. Ever since being partnered up with the Winter Soldier I had been addressed by Shadow.

A mission.


I'd been on missions before, but small extremely surveillanced ones. They were more of a go in, kill and come back type of deal, barely even seeing a glimpse of the outside world with at least a dozen HYDRA handler's eyes on every move I'd make. The people I had to take out ranged from low to high profile, but all untrained politic involved pathetic humans, unable to so much as fight back as my blade sunk deep into their flesh or the barrel of my gun stared back at them.

Strucker pauses and quickly glances at the Winter Soldier, who hadn't moved or spoken since we entered the room.

"A substance, stolen from HYDRA to be used as a weapon against freedom, needs to be returned. You will assist the Winter Soldier in retrieving this," he slowly paces around me. "This substance will be of great importance to HYDRA, ensuring our continuing mission to protect society against a greater threat. They currently go under the name of SSR, but soon will be known as S.H.I.E.L.D. A terrorist organisation willing to purpose the substance against us, and weaponize its powers."

You Want It Darker? (OC x Loki x Winter Soldier)Where stories live. Discover now