Chapter 4

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Jade pov

I stood in front of the mirror after pulling my hair up into a ponytail. Today I have a date with Stuart and I am just wearing a white blouse with a tan tank top underneath and black skinny jeans and boots.

It has been awhile since I have been on a date with someone and I am hoping I do not mess this up, although if I do I don't think it will be a big deal. It's not like he is my soul mate.

Taking one last look at myself I turned around and picked up the book "A court of silver and flame." I silently wondered if he has read the book and if he has we can talk about it.

Grabbing my car keys I walked out of my room and down the hall. Passing the sitting era and the kitchen to the front door.

Stepping outside the heat of the sun poured onto me. This is to be expected in Ireland, but in a way I am used to the heat, after all I originally lived in Texas. The humidity there was almost unbearable, especially in August and September.

Getting into the driver's seat of my four door white Ford car I buckled up and put the key into the ignition. After starting the car I pulled out of my driveway and onto the street.

I drove for about a mile when I realized I didn't put on any makeup. I hope Stuart likes the natural look, not that I wore much makeup to begin with but I still liked to put on a little foundation and some lip gloss.

After about several minutes I pulled into the parking lot at Starbucks. After finding a spot to park I turned my car off and pulled my key out of the ignition I sat there a moment suddenly feeling a little nervous.

What if Stuart doesn't like me? What if he is too good to be true? Am I trying to move on too fast?

Taking a deep breathe I push those thoughts away and get out of the car with my book in my hand. Closing the car door behind me I slowly walk through the parking lot.

When I reach the entrance I spotted Stuart sitting by the the window watching me. I look down and smile a little, glad to see that he did not stand me up.

Walking inside Starbucks I keep my gaze on him and smile letting him know I am pleased to see him.

Walking to the cashier behind the counter I order a Carmel Frappuccino with wip cream on top. After giving my name for my order I turned around and walked toward the table Stuart is sitting.

As I sit down and lay the book on the table. I could tell he is a little nervous which makes me feel better about myself.

"I am glad you could make it." Stuart says.

"Me too."

"I was a little nervous about coming here." Stuart says. "It has been awhile since I been on a date with a girl."

I raised a eyebrow but didn't question him on his choice of words. I am getting the feeling that he is bisexual, which doesn't bother me I have know some people who are attracted to both male and female.

"What book are you reading?" I asked changing the subject.

His eyes lit up. "I am reading "Outlander."

"I have watched the TV show." I told him. "I enjoyed it very much. Never read the books but I would like to."

"Never seen the show." Stuart said. "Maybe we can watch it together sometime."

I grinned. "I would like that." I paused a moment. "Perhaps you can read a chapter or two for me?"

Stuart nodded. "Yes."

I opened my mouth to say something when my name had been called to the counter. I get up and walk over and grab my coffee.

Turning back around I sit back down. We continue our conversation about "Outlander.'

I noticed that Stuart gets quite animated when talking about something he enjoys. With a smile on my face I listen to him talk about the book and what he likes most about the story.


Stuart is surprised on how much he is enjoying himself. Normally he does not go out on dated with women, not to say he doesn't like them. He just becomes shy and withdrawn.

He tends to hang out with the guys because they are easier to talk to, not that there is anything wrong with girls. They are just more difficult to talk to.

But Jade seemed pleasant enough, and he found he quite liked her. She seemed genuinely interested in what he is saying, most women see him as a nerd, putting him in the friend zone.

And from the book she has placed by her side on the table told him that she has some of the same interests as him.

This will make getting to know her a little bit easier for him. He could see themselves going to a book store looking for their favorite authors and finding some chairs to sit in and reading together.

When he saw walking into Starbucks he could tell from the look on her face how nervous she is, and it made feel better. He was half tempted to not show up but his friends had convinced him to give her a chance.

Stuart is glad that he did and wondered if she thought about standing him up. He is sure the thought crossed her mind. But she chose to meet him here instead. He wondered if she feared her won't show up, it seems like he may never know.

His thoughts were interrupted by her voice. "How many books are in the series?"

"Nine book." Stuart said.

"And you have read all of them?" Jade asked.

Stuart nodded. "Yes."

"Any other book series do you like?"

"The court of thorns and roses."

"That is one of my favorites." Jade said. "I also like the throne of glass."

"Me too." Stuart said.

He watched her smile grow bigger and he thought it made her look more attractive. And he found himself smiling back at her.

They continued to talk about the books they love and drinking their coffee. That is another thing they had in common, they both have a caffeine addiction.

Several hours had passed by and it is time for the both of them to head home. Stuart and Jade walked out of Starbucks together, both stopping at the side entrance.

"Thank you for asking me out for coffee." Jade said.

"Your welcome." Stuart said. "I will text you when I am free again."

Jade nodded and surprising them both leaned up on her toes and softly pecked his cheek.

After realizing what she just did her face turned red. Jade looked down at the ground in embarrassment and walked away.

Stuart lifted his hand and touched his cheek. It has been awhile since a woman has shown him any affection, even something as innocent as a kiss to the cheek.

He watched her walk away sensing that she felt that she had done something improper. He did not mind, perhaps next time he might get a kiss.

Stuart turned around and headed off to the direction from where he came from. He had a lot to think about, maybe he should have her meet his mammy. If she approved he will consider allowing her into his life.

His mammy would be pleased to see that he is making new friends. She always said that he needed to get out and meet people, one never knew if or when they will find their soul mate.

Even if Jade never does become a romantic partner, he wouldn't mind having her in his life as a permanent friend.

Stuart even thought about Jade hanging out with him and his friends. But as of right now just take things one day at a time. It is never a good idea to rush into things, he had learned that lesson a long time ago.

Author's note: Should there be a second date? Should she meet his mom? Should he ask her to be his girlfriend?

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⏰ Last updated: 21 hours ago ⏰

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