Indiana Three

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Four was walking down the path when he saw Melony and Mario staring at something. He cheerly gave them a friendly wave and asked "Hey guys! What are you looking at?" He thought he saw a faint figure in the distance and narrowed his eyes as Mario replied "Smg3! He's streaming a skydive!" Four thought it was weird at first, but Three had done ridiculous dares for his streams in the past so he shrugged it off. Mario said "Smg3 said we could watch if we stayed quiet!"

Melony gave a quick shush as she kept her eyes glued onto him. Three was attempting some stunts and tricks as Mario was determined to keep his head locked onto him, but his neck got twisted so much that he spun around and wobbled dizzily. Just when Three looked like he was going to stick the landing, a safety malfunction yeeted him towards the ground. Mario panicked as he ran around and held his arms out, yelling "Don't-a worry Smg3! Mario will catch you!" Just when it looked like Three would be saved, he fell through the ground, missing Mario's arms by a few inches.

Melony and Four ran up to see if he was alright as Mario said "Well at least Smg3 will have lots of viewers now."

By the time Three's eyelids began to open, he could see blurry figures in front of him as an orange one said "Is he going to be okay?" A blue blob said "I'm so worried..." A red one then inched closer and asked "Is his face going to stay that way? It's creepy!" When the spinning finally stopped, the red blob revealed itself to be Mario, leaning in his face. His pupils immediately shrunk as he backed into the headboard of a bed and yelled "MARIO!? GET OUT OF MY ROOM IDIOT!" He then noticed that he wasn't actually in his room, nor the internet graveyard.

He was in a hospital room, surrounded by the crew. Three wanted to slap Mario for invading his bubble, but felt something restricting his arm. A plaster cast had wrapped up his entire arm except his shoulder and fingers. When Three had figured out that his arm was broken, he groaned and said "Of course..." Four looked over to a doctor with a white coat and red gloves, inspecting the x-ray of Three's broken arm. "How is he Mr Nice Guy?"

"He'll be fine. Good thing you got him over here so quick." Three rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "How long do I have to sit here? I have things to do!" Mr Nice Guy pushed his glasses forward and said "Well that depends on how long I can bear you, but it's recommended at least a few days."

Three pleaded to his friends "You've got to get me out of here! I'm gonna climb the walls!" Mario was too stupid to understand the expression as he said "Ooo Ooo! Just like a spider!" He wiggled his fingers and asked Mr Nice Guy "Did the crash give Smg3 super spider powers?" He pushed the fat Italian away and said "No...and it certainly didn't give him any healing powers either. He needs to rest for a few days."

Three scoffed and said "A few days? You might as well say a few months or a few years while you're at it." Tari reassured him "It's not so bad Three." Mario nodded and opened the curtains. "Lookie! Smg3 has a roommate!" A patient that almost looked zombified stared back at him with soulless eyes as Three looked unimpressed and threw the covers over. Meggy shrugged as the crew tried to think of something to cheer him up. Four then saw Smg3's Sussy Notebook fall out of his pocket which gave him an idea. He picked it up and playfully poked Three under the covers. When he peeked out, his eyes instantly widened as he swiped it back.

"Oi! Hands off!" Four told him "I've seen you write in that thing for weeks. Why don't you just do that?" He sneered and tossed his notebook into a drawer so his friends couldn't peak. "What am I supposed to write when I'm stuck in a crummy hospital!? Some stupid script that a loser like you?" Four shot him an offended look as he kept complaining "It's a colossal waste of time!" He then heard snickering as his friends laughed at him. What the heck!? He was supposed to be the one making fun of them.

Meggy quipped "Are you serious!? We all know about your little spy fics and doodles." Melony nodded and said "I love writing Axol's One Piece manga." Four put a hand on Three's shoulder and said "It's nothing to be ashamed about. We all have our cringe moments." Mario backed them up by saying "Mario does stupid stuff all the time and he's not a loser at all! More of an idiot? Wait...a dumb***?"

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