Chapter Seven - The Stolen Diary

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So this chapter is dedictaed to my amazing editor, Ashley_Rawrvc


Chapter Seven – The Stolen Diary

Dear Diary,

Please shoot me now! I don’t think I can stand being at this school any longer! In fact, maybe I’ll just leave willingly. But then again, I hate being the loser of this war. God, maybe Matthew can help me through this school year…. Wait, maybe not because after yesterday’s weird incident, it would be a bit awkward around him now. Hopefully things will turn for the better today. Like my mom use to say, “another day, another adventure”.

I’ll write soon,


Nicolette closed her diary and placed it on the nightstand beside her bed. The banging on the dorm door had increased since a minute ago. She hadn’t bothered to get up from her bed until now.

As Nicolette headed out of her room to get the door, she remembered that she hadn’t changed out of her pajamas yet… but screw it, she was already at the door. With a sigh, she opened the door a little and popped her head out.

“What do you want?” she asked without taking much notice of the boy standing in front of her.

 “Umm, is Devon here?”

Nicolette shrugged, “I don’t think so and thank god if he isn’t. “

“Well do you have any idea where he might be?” he asked.


“Any idea at all?”


 “Okay, thanks for nothing,” he grumbled, but before the boy could turn around, a sudden voice rang out.

“You’re looking for me, Zach?”

Immediately, Nicolette groaned at the sound of Devon’s voice as she helplessly watched him walk closer and closer towards them.

“Oh, hey, I was wondering if the party is still on tonight.”

Devon smiled, “Of course it is.”

“Alright, cool, I’ll see you in a few.” replied Zach as he started to leave.

“Hold on Zach. Before you leave, explain to me why I have this crapped up roommate here.” Devon said suddenly.

Nicolette rolled her eyes and opened the door a bit wider. “Hey, I don’t think you should be talking either!”

Immediately Devon’s eyes flickered to her and for a moment she could see something different in his eyes, other then his usual hot-headed look… maybe the look of surprise?

 And then it struck her. Devon hadn’t seen Nicolette like this yet, without the nerd look. But then again, how bad can it be when you probably have bed head hair and when you’re still wearing Pokémon pajamas?

Okay, it might be a little embarrassing for someone else to see it. Without thinking, she slammed the door close and rushed to her room.

In this midst of things, Zach pretended to take out his cell phone and looking at the time. “Sorry, Devon, can’t talk now, got to go.” he said before dashing off.

Devon watched his friend leave in frustration, before he turned to the closed door.

Was it just him or did his roommate… look different from the last time he’d seen her? She almost looked cute with her bed head and her Pokémon pajamas…

He stood there in silence for a moment before shaking his head and opening the door with his keycard. There was no way that girl could ever look cute.


Nicolette looked into the mirror as she zipped up her multi-coloured sweater. It was ugly, yes. However, it didn’t matter though, because the people who cared about what she wore didn’t matter to her. She wasn’t sure if she should go for a run first or go find Matthew, but just thinking about yesterday made her go for the first option. Running was sort of a habit whenever she needed time to think.

As Nicolette ran out of her room and towards the exit, the door suddenly opened and she skittered to a halt. She was face to face with Devon. For a moment, the two stared at each other in silence before she took off again.

Devon watched for a moment as Nicolette ran down the hallway before turning back to the dorm with a smile on his face.

 Perfect, the little witch was gone, which meant he could try to get some information about her.

Quickly, he closed and locked the door behind him before he headed towards Nicolette’s room. There had to be something there…anything that would bring her downfall.

Devon had barely begun to look around her room, when he spotted a book on Nicolette’s nightstand that clearly said “diary” on it. His smile turned into a sneer as he picked it up. This was way too easy.

When he started to scan the pages, he didn’t find much at first, but then slowly, he managed to find the juicier parts of her diary. However, what really interested Devon was the more current pages she wrote.

 By the time he had finished scanning all the pages, Devon couldn’t stop smirking.

“Well, well, well. So that’s why the little witch was dressed like this. She wanted to protect herself from another heartbreak. Dressed like her old self… Too bad that’s not going to help her anymore,” he mumbled softly to himself.


If things were weird with Matthew yesterday, then things were even weirder with him today.

By the time Nicolette had finished her jog around the campus, somehow as fate or even luck would have it, she bumped into Matthew.

“Oh, hey Matt, what’s up?” she asked.

There was a silence before Matthew gave her a nod and a sheepish smile. “Hey.” he replied simply before looking at his watch. “Look I don’t have much time to talk to you this morning, how about sometime this evening?” he suggested. “Or better yet, maybe I’ll see you in class tomorrow. Bye!” With that, he left Nicolette standing there in confusion.

Was it just her, or was Matthew trying to avoid her? Was it because of yesterday? She wondered.

The only other time Nicolette had seen him this way was when he was stressing out over work or some girl.

Did Matthew get a new girlfriend that she didn’t know about?

If he did, she wasn’t sure what to feel. In some ways, she was happy for him because he was like a brother to her and that he seemed to be growing up. But in other ways, she felt jealous, although she had no idea why. 


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