Chapter 1

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Today was the first day of college and to say Jimin was excited is an understatement,  the 19 years old boy was over the moon. He woke up even before his alarm went off. He went to the bathroom, did his morning routine after he was done dressing himself he took his bag pack and skipped to the kitchen where his mother was making breakfast. Jimin stayed with his mom and grandma, his father was an abusive husband who always beat his mother and he was a drunkard so when  Jimin turned 6 years old his mother and him escaped from his father's abusive home and they came to Seol to stay with his grandmother. "Morning mom" greeted Jimin. " Oh someone is super excited for their first day at College" . Said his mom. "Yes mother and I Don't want to be late on my first day so I'll go and fetch Tae, see you later". Said Jimin while walking towards the door. "Oh no young man you sit your a*s down and have some brakfast",, "but mom...." whined Jimin. "Don't mom me sit and eat your breakfast, it's still early even grandma hasn't woken up yet". Jimin sat down with a pout and began eating his breakfast, he was trying to gulp everything down at once. "Eat slowly Minnie before you choke ". Warned his mom. Did he listen no, after he was done he gulped down the milk and raced to the door shouting a "goodbye mom". His mother sighed and said a small goodbye.


When Jimin and his best friend Taehyung got to campus they went to the admin to get their student cards and timetables, unfortunately they didn't have the same classes since they didn't have same majors. Jimin majored in Music and Dance while Taehyung majored in Drama and Art. They soon found their designated classes and said their goodbyes promising to meet during lunch break.

When Jimin got to his first class he went to sit in the front so he will be able to hear the professor clearly. You see Jimin was a very confident bright student. In high school he was always number one in all his classes together with his best friend Taehyung but Tae didn't focus too much on theory he liked the practical more. It was 20min into an hour lesson when the door to the classroom opened and came in the boy who seemed like he was running because he was out of breath. "It's nice of you to join us Mr Jeon". Said the professor while rolling her eyes. The boy apologized politely and went to a sit at the back.
Soon it was lunch time and the two friends met in the cafeteria, they bought their food and set down to eat and catching up on each other's first half of the day.

The day went by very fast and soon it was time to go home. The two friends met by the school's gate and was about to walk to the bus stop when they had commotion in the parking but when they tried to look and find out what's the commotion about suddenly a very expensive car sped off the parking lot. With a shrug they both walked to the bus stop.


The next days, the boys started to notice most students are fan boying and fan girling over a certain group of students so they decided to pay attention to that particular group to see what's the fuss about. On the 4th day of the week during lunch break in the cafeteria, Jimin and Taehyung decided to  sit at the table opposite to the one that the group usually sat at and ofcourse it was Taehyung's idea and Jimin wouldn't say no to a chance of seeing the popular group up close.
Five guys came in and sat down started to chat amongst themselves. Jimin noticed one of the guys.."Tae that the guy I was telling you about who's always late in Music class". Said Jimin pointing at a quiet boy who was focused on his phone while his friends where chatting and laughing. "Oh well I wish he can raise his head from  his phone so that i can see him clearly". Whispered Taehyung.

At the other table. "Dude no phones on the table it's disrespectful". Said one of the friends while snatching the phone from his friend. "What the hell Hobi bring my phone back"... "Come on Kook we've been talking to you for the past  10min but you not hearing us instead you are glued to your phone.. what up Kooks" . Asked the one with broad shoulders. " eish I'm sorry guys it's one of those days you know"... "What is it Kook are you okay..? Is it your father again?.
Instead of answering he just sighed and started to eat his food until he felt a gaze on him. When he lifted his eyes from the plate of food, he was met with the most beautiful face he has ever seen and they kept staring at each other until the other boy decided to look away.

Ok this was a first chapter of this Sh**y story I decided to write. I don't know how I feel abou it,  but I hope whom ever stumble on it enjoys it you know.

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