An Small Begging Of Forgiveness

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Lolas sat alone in the room he used to share with Taran. He sat in silence on his bed, looking down while he were fumbling with his fingers. He knew that he were never to be forgiven for what he have done, he never imagined that things would end up like this. Lolas felt an dark sky hovering above him as he knew that he were never gonna get his parents trust back and he would never be able to see his little brother ever again.
He lets out a small sigh as he got up from his spot on the bed and slowly went over to take a sit on Taran's empty bed. A soft smile crept upon his lips as he gently took hold onto the small teddy bear that their mother had made for Taran, as he used to have a lot of nightmares, their mother gave him the homemade teddy bear, made of fur and stuffed with soft cotton.
"I miss you Taran." He softly whispered as he looked down at the teddy bear and caressed its soft fur. An noise from the outside had caught his attention and he went up from Taran's bed and went towards the window and stood frozen to his spot, when he saw his father outside in the snow, holding tightly onto the body of his dead son.
His skin were as pale as the snow and the dark red blood were dried out. The glint he used to have in his eyes no longer existed, every light were gone, there were nothing but darkness left.
Lolas felt not only mad at himself, but also at the one who intentionally shot his brother with the arrow. Lolas wants to go and find the one who have cold blooded murdered his brother, but he also know that, leaving the hut would only cause him trouble. He didn't wanted to cause his parents more tears, but yet he wanted to take revenge for his little brother, but what can an six years old boy do? He is just one against many.

A few hours had passed, the sun slowly began to set behind the horizon. The sky shone in an bright, red color with a faint nuance of orange.
Y/n began to get more worried as she haven't seen Lolas since him and Sylvar got back home from the forest. She slowly went up to the room he used to share with Taran and softly knocked on the door, hearing a low hum from inside the silent room.
She took a deep breath as she twisted the doorknob and slightly opened the door, to see her son standing by the window and looked out at the small grave that his father had made for Taran.
Tears silently fell from the corner of his eyes as he spoke in an low voice, "does dad hates me now?" His words were barely audible as he looked back at his mother, who stood in the middle of the room. Her heart skipped a beat by his question.
She silently shook her head before she spoke, "your father doesn't hates you, he loves you as I'll do, but what happened today had affected him badly and he gave in to his emotions.." she went over and kneeled down in front of him, a soft smile appeared upon her lips as she gently caressed his soft, chubby cheeks.

Y/n knew that deep inside, Lolas were suffering as well as the lost of his brother were big and he doubted on his father's love. He threw himself in her embrace and wrapped his small arms around her neck as he cried, "I never thought that it would end like this, mom.. I didn't meant to be the reason for all this.. I'm so sorry, please, don't hate me.." he stuttered through his sobs.
Y/n shook her head as she stroke his back, trying to calm him down. A sigh slipped through her lips as she holds onto him, "I do not hate you, my love.. I love you so much and I do not wish for you to get hurt, so don't ever go out without me and your father's permission, okay?" She spoke in the same calming voice. He silently nods at her words and squeezed his eyes close, letting his tears fall uncontrollably.

Without any of them noticing, Sylvar had returned back from his hunt and now stood in the doorway, he ha hid himself behind the door to only peek through the small crack on the open door. He lets out a soft sigh as he turned his back to the old wooden door and left down the hallway to enter his and Y/n's shared bedroom.

After some time, Y/n too entered the room. All she saw were Sylvar sitting on the edge of his side of the bed. His elbows were buried down on his knees, while he rested his head against his fist, just looking down at his feets.
He lets out a sigh before he spoke, "do you think that I were too harsh on him?" He asked without looking up at her. She took a deep breath and closed the door behind her before she went over to sit by his side, "he did some reckless and stupid things and without thinking of the consequences that might follow afterwards, but he is still a kid, he didn't knew that any of these things would happen and I know that neither did we.." she paused as she cupped his cheeks and turned his head in her direction and got eye contact before she continued, "I know that your sadness had gotten you furious and angry, but.. he doesn't understand the pain that we are suffering as we lost our son, please, no matter how much you are suffering, do not let it affect Lolas this much." She wiped Sylvar's fallen tears away with her thumb.
He gulped hard as he nods and took another deep breath to calm himself down, "come, let's go to bed.." he silently nods once again and threw his clothes off, leaving him in only his boxers.
Y/n smiled as she watched him and too undressed herself before she went under the covers.
As they finally were laying side by side and looked at each other, a soft, caring smile crept upon her lips as they got eye contact. She slowly raised her hand and gently caressed his cheek before she leaned closer to place a sweet kiss upon his pale lips. He immediately responded to the kiss and let his hand slide down her back and pulled her closer, leaving no space between them.
Y/n soon broke the kiss as she were in lack of air and instead buried her face against his broad chest, feeling his calming heartbeat and warmth from his body.
"I love you.." she spoke in an low voice as she closed her eyes. A smile appeared upon his lips as he kissed her forehead and spoke, "I love you too, my dear." They both soon fell into an deep slumber.

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