Moving, Food, and Card Games

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Astigma didn't like that Sans wasn't moving in with them... but he got it. There wasn't enough room, and Granny was lonely. Besides, it was pretty obvious he would be visiting a lot, considering he was now allowed to visit his favorite bar again... Astigma was looking forward to going with him. In the meantime, though, now everyone was working on getting Sans stuff moved out so the boy's stuff could be moved in. Astigma felt like it was going too fast - Uncle Sans had been with them since before he was born after all. He could tell that even Anton was nervous and unhappy with the decision. So, despite his own fears, he decided to go introduce his little brother to some of the residents (with their parents' permission this time). You were unsure at first. Astigma was still very much grounded for his disappearing act, but... ultimately, it was a yes, for the simple fact that they needed a distraction while the adults were busy. You asked Sans to talk to Grillby about keeping an eye on them. Hopefully, it'd keep them out of some trouble.


Sans was nervous, bringing the kids into the bar. Every damn monster there usually was looking for an easy kill, but not this time. Astigma was quick to take the lead as he crossed the room with a purpose. It made Sans wonder if Astigma had been here on his little journey. The answer came quick when the bartender spotted the kid. "Well, well, well, if it ain't the little hotshot? I heard you actually made it to the capitol without dying." Astigma huffed and held out the crest for all to see. "Damn right, I did! Faced the king and everything!" He boasted, and Grillby laughed. "I suppose you are looking for a meal then, hotshot? And for the little runt too?" Astigma nodded. "Yeah- less spice for him, though. My little bro can't take it like I can." To that, Anton retorted quickly, running up to the bar with fire in his eyes. "I CAN TAKE ANYTHING! DON'T LISTEN TO HIM!" It only seemed to further amuse Grillby. "Sure, sure." He replied as he started to head to the back. "an' a burg fer me, grillbz!" Sans called before he could disappear. "You didn't pay your fucking tab before you up and left, you won't be getting anything but a beating until you do!"


Sans left the boys there, salty about Grillby's denial. Astigma made a note to get him a bottle of mustard for leverage next time he wanted something. Astigma led Anton around to introduce him to the Canine Unit. Dogamy and Dogaressa even invited them to play poker with them, where Anton learned the art of cheating by Greater Dog. Lesser Dog growled, his beady brown eyes shifting between the two. Astigma was positioned next to Doggo, where it was easy to see his cards and use them to his advantage since Doggo couldn't really see what he was doing anyway. Every once in a while, Astigma would give him the benefit of the doubt so the other dogs wouldn't get suspicious about what was going on. Eventually, he and Anton got their food and some milk, and they had to drop out, but it had been fun regardless. It turned out Anton liked Grillby's about as much as their dad did and stuck to the milk. Then, some hamster monster challenged them to a dance off. By the time you went to fetch the boys, they were tuckered out and ready to go home.

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