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Cielle sat at her cluttered dorm desk, papers and textbooks strewn about as she brainstormed for her upcoming journalism project. Her eyes wandered across a stack of legal journals and newspapers she had borrowed from the library, the weight of the assignment pressing down on her.

"What should I choose for my topic?" she mused aloud, tapping a pencil against her lips. After flipping through several pages, she landed on a compelling idea: exploring the emotional and ethical challenges lawyers face when defending the opposition.

Overwhelmed by the sudden stream of ideas, she rushed meeting her sister Pauleen.

Text message to Pauleen:
Pau, can we meet? I badly need your advice. It's urgent, or else this will be great fallout of my college life.
- Cielle

Later that evening, Cielle met her older sister, Pauleen, for dinner at a cozy restaurant near their apartment. The two sisters chatted over their meals, with Cielle eagerly sharing her project idea.

"I'm thinking about focusing on how lawyers feel about defending clients who might be morally or ethically questionable," Cielle said, her eyes bright with excitement. "It's such a complex issue. I want to get a real lawyer's perspective."

Pauleen, who worked at Menesez Law Firm, nodded thoughtfully. "You know, you should interview Koen. He's one of the most experienced lawyers at the firm. I'm sure he'd have valuable insights on the topic."

Cielle's interest was piqued. "Koen Philipp Davies? I've heard of him. He's quite renowned, isn't he?"

"Absolutely," Pauleen confirmed. "He's been involved in some high-profile cases and has a lot of experience dealing with challenging ethical dilemmas. I can help you set up the interview if you'd like."

Pauleen thought it would be nice if Cielle herself approach Koen in a respective manner such as email, since her senior is a very composed man and she also is not comfortable seeking favor from him.

Cielle, armed with Pauleen's recommendation, reached out to Koen via email. She introduced herself and explained her project, requesting a brief interview to discuss his experiences and views on the ethical challenges in legal defense.

To her delight, Koen responded promptly, agreeing to meet. They arranged a time for the following week at Menesez Law Firm.

It was the best of luck for Cielle. The project's deadline ain't joking around. It needs to be submitted in a span of 3 days.

The rush?

Well, it wouldn't be college for a reason.

On the day of the interview, Cielle arrived at the sleek, modern offices of Menesez Law Firm, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. The firm's prestigious environment only heightened her anticipation.

Koen greeted her with a friendly smile, his calm demeanor immediately putting her at ease. He led her to a conference room where they began their discussion.

Cielle: "Mr. Davies, I'm really interested in understanding how lawyers feel about defending clients who are morally ambiguous. How do you reconcile defending someone you might find ethically questionable?"

Koen: "That's a profound question. To me, defending the opposition isn't about personal judgment but about upholding the integrity of the legal system. It's crucial to remember that every individual has the right to a fair defense, regardless of their actions. This principle is enshrined in Republic Act No. 9346, which abolishes the death penalty and underscores the importance of upholding human rights even for those convicted of serious crimes."

Defy: Taennie SpecialWhere stories live. Discover now