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Cielle woke up with a pounding headache, her body sluggish from the events of the night before. As the sunlight filtered through her bedroom window, she groaned, rubbing her temples and trying to piece together what had happened at the party. She remembered drinking... a lot. She remembered talking with Lucian, his charming smile, the way he made her forget about Koen for a while.

But then, Koen.

Her heart sank as the reality hit her. She had spent the night with Lucian, but all she could think about was Koen—how he looked with Hera, how distant he had become. Her phone buzzed on her nightstand, and her heart skipped a beat. It was Koen. She hesitated for a moment before picking it up.

"Can we talk?" his message read.

Cielle stared at the screen, unsure of how to respond. She was angry, hurt, but also confused. Last night's jealousy still lingered, and she wasn't sure if she was ready to face him yet.

She typed a short response, "I'm busy today. Maybe next time."

"I'm outside," Koen's fast reply rushed through her screen.

Koen showed up at her place unexpectedly, his face tense with determination. Cielle's heart raced when she opened the door, but she kept her expression neutral.

"Cielle, we need to talk," he said, his voice calm but firm.

She crossed her arms, leaning against the doorway. "I already told you. I'm busy."

"Cielle, I know you're upset, but you have to understand. Last night wasn't what it looked like," Koen said, his tone softer now, almost pleading.

"Oh, really?" she said sarcastically. "Because it sure looked like you were having a great time with Hera while I was sitting there like an idiot."

Koen sighed, running a hand through his hair. "She's just a client. You know that. I was only talking to her about the case, nothing more."

"Talking?" Cielle scoffed. "It didn't look like talking. She was all over you, Koen."

"I didn't want to make a scene, okay? It was a professional event, and I had to keep things civil," Koen explained, his eyes searching hers for any sign of understanding.

Cielle looked away, the sting of the night's events still fresh. "You didn't even try to reassure me. You just... left me there."

"I didn't leave you there, Cielle. I wanted to drive you home, but you were the one who stayed with Lucian," Koen said, his voice rising slightly. "What was that about, huh?"

Cielle's jaw tightened. "Lucian was just being nice. At least he made me feel like I mattered last night."

Koen clenched his fists, his frustration evident. "I can't believe this. You're seriously comparing what you did with Lucian to what happened with Hera?"

Cielle's eyes narrowed. "Maybe I am. Maybe I'm tired of feeling like I'm just waiting around for you to make me a priority."

Before Koen could speak, Cielle turned her back, ready to get back inside her dorm, "I would appreciate if you me some alone time."

By then, Cielle closed the door.

Cielle sat in her room, trying to divert focus on her assignments, but her mind kept drifting back to the to the scene where she shut Koen away. Her phone buzzed again, interrupting her thoughts. It was Lucian.

Lucian text goes, "Had a good time last night. Hope you're feeling better. Let's hang out again sometime."

She paused for a moment, torn between her feelings for Koen and the intrigue she felt toward Lucian. Lucian had been easy to talk to, a welcome distraction from the emotional rollercoaster she'd been riding with Koen. Still, she knew she had to focus on her studies and get her reports done.

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