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Btw. My lapse.

We met a 2 new characters last chapter but I only introduce Felix.

You still remember Hera? Yup, she's Koen's client.

Before we continue, allow me to send her visual representation:

Before we continue, allow me to send her visual representation:

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Name: Hera Truseam

Hera Truesam is a poised and determined woman, facing serious accusations in Koen's case. She appears calm and composed but harbors a quiet resolve to fight for her innocence. Her mysterious past adds complexity to her character.

Let's begin the next chapter ~



The poolside of the upscale venue was transformed into a luxurious celebration space, adorned with sparkling lights and elegant decorations. The sound of laughter and clinking glasses filled the air as guests enjoyed the festivities. The pool itself was illuminated with soft, colorful lights, reflecting the festive atmosphere of the evening. Koen walked through the gathering, his demeanor relaxed and content after the recent victory.

Hera, dressed in a stunning evening gown, was the center of attention, greeting guests with enthusiasm. As Koen approached her, he was met with a warm embrace.

"Koen! I'm so glad you could make it. Tonight is a celebration of our win, and it's all thanks to your hard work." Hera spoke.

"Thank you, Hera. It was a tough case, but we pulled through. This party is a fantastic way to celebrate."

"Absolutely. Let's make the most of it."

Koen scanned the poolside area, taking in the sight of Cielle mingling and enjoying the lavish spread of food and drinks. He chuckled a bit, "Sometimes, she's still a kid." The atmosphere was vibrant, and Koen allowed himself a moment to appreciate the break from the courtroom's intensity.

The party continued with a lively ambiance. Koen found himself by the pool, engaging in conversation with a few colleagues. His attention was caught by Hera, who was on the phone. Though her words were indistinct, she seemed deeply engrossed in the conversation.

Hera on the phone, "Yes, I'll handle it. I just need to go over the final documents with Koen before we submit them. I'll call you back once it's sorted."

Koen observed her with a hint of curiosity. As Hera ended the call, she approached him with a sense of urgency. "Koen, I need your help with some final paperwork. It's important for the court closure. Can we go over it now?"

Koen nodded, recognizing the importance of the task. "Of course, let's find a quiet spot to go through the documents."

As they moved away from the main gathering, Cielle, who had been mingling near the pool, noticed them. Seeing Koen and Hera together, her heart sank. The sight of Koen so absorbed in his conversation with Hera stirred a wave of jealousy and unease. She found herself questioning the reasons behind Koen's recent silence and their growing distance.

Hera, meanwhile, noticed Koen's repeated glances toward Cielle. An edge of irritation crossed her face as she realized that Koen's attention was being divided. Determined to keep Koen's focus on her, Hera subtly maneuvered the conversation to involve herself more prominently. She leaned in closer, touched his arm lightly, and laughed at his jokes a bit too enthusiastically.

As Koen and Hera reviewed the documents in a secluded area by the pool, Cielle observed from a distance. She watched as Hera's hand rested on Koen's arm and saw the way Hera's gaze lingered on him, almost possessively. The sight made Cielle's stomach twist with discomfort.

Feeling a surge of frustration, Cielle decided to confront Koen. She approached them with a determined stride. "Koen, why are we doing work things at a party? I thought this was supposed to be a celebration."

Hera, overhearing the conversation, raised an eyebrow and stepped in with a hint of annoyance. "Miss who ever you are..."

"Cielle" she butted in, filling the tension so bad.

Hera couldn't help but rolled her eyes and continued, "I understand that you're upset, but this is a very important matter. We're just wrapping things up so we can enjoy the party without any loose ends."

"I'm not upset. I'm just questioning why work has to intrude on what was supposed to be a celebration."

Hera's tone sharpened, "Well, perhaps if you understood the stakes involved, you'd see why it's necessary."

Koen, sensing the growing tension, intervened. "Hera, I'm sorry if Cielle's words came across as rude. She's only 18 and doesn't quite grasp the complexities of our work."

Hera's eyes widened in realization. "Ah, that's why."

Cielle's face flushed with hurt. The implication of Koen's comment stung, and she felt the weight of his words more than she expected. The misunderstanding between them seemed to deepen.

"Is that how you see me? Just a kid who doesn't understand?"

Koen looked regretful, his eyes reflecting his concern. "No, Cielle, that's not what I meant. I'm sorry if it came across that way. I just didn't want to cause any discomfort."

Hera, sensing the tension, tried to salvage the situation. "Let's not let this ruin the party. Koen, let's finish up here and join the celebration. And you kid, get back there. It's confidential matters we're dealing with. You are not allowed to gasp any information."

As Koen and Hera returned to the main party, Cielle felt a mix of sadness and frustration. The festive atmosphere around her seemed to fade, overshadowed by the misunderstandings and conflicts that had arisen.

As the evening progressed, Hera's demeanor shifted subtly. She made a point of staying close to Koen, her actions increasingly suggestive of her intent to keep him away from Cielle. She leaned in closer, her body language overtly flirtatious.

"Koen, I'm so glad you're here. It wouldn't be the same without you."

Koen shifted uncomfortably, trying to maintain a polite distance. "It's been a great night. I'm glad we could celebrate together."

"We should catch up more often, don't you think? There's so much more I want to discuss with you." Hera said, sipping some of her wine.

"I'd love to, but I should go check on Cielle. She's my guest, after all."

Hera's face tightened with determination. "Oh, come on. Let's just finish this drink first. It's important to celebrate properly."

Koen's discomfort was palpable. He tried to resist Hera's attempts to keep him close considering his longing to enjoy the night with Cielle. "I really should—"

Hera interrupted him, making a lame excuse about needing Koen's help with another minor detail related to the event. Despite Koen's reluctance, Hera managed to keep him by her side.

Cielle, watching from a distance, saw Hera's hand resting on Koen's arm and her insistent attempts to keep him close. Misinterpreting the situation, Cielle's jealousy flared. Feeling increasingly left out and hurt, she made her way to the bar and started ordering more drinks. With each sip of liquor, she tried to numb the sting of the evening's events and the growing distance between her and Koen.

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