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Cielle's mind was spiraling, fueled by jealousy and confusion. The alcohol was starting to take hold, clouding her judgment. The drinks blurred the edges of the world around her, but nothing could dull the ache of seeing Koen and Hera together. She clenched her glass tighter, her knuckles white, trying to ignore the sinking feeling of being replaced.

"I thought he cared..." she muttered under her breath.

Before she could pour herself another drink, a voice broke through her thoughts.

"You look like you're having a rough night," the man said, taking a seat beside her. His voice was smooth, rich—almost too perfect.

Cielle turned her head slightly and found herself staring into the dark, alluring eyes of a man she had never seen before. He had an air of confidence that made people stop and pay attention.

"I'm Lucian Menesez," he introduced himself, flashing a charming smile. "And you are...?"

Cielle blinked, surprised by the sudden interaction. "Cielle," she replied, her words slightly slurred from the alcohol. "Cielle Flordelis Delfin."

"Ah, the sister of Pauleen Delfin, our firm's newest lawyer," Lucian remarked. "I've heard a lot about you."

Cielle frowned, confused. "You... have?"

Lucian chuckled, a sound that seemed to vibrate deep in his chest. "I make it a point to know everyone who's important to the people in my circle. Your sister speaks highly of you."

His smooth demeanor was almost disarming, but something about him made Cielle feel on edge. She was wary, especially with the way he was looking at her—like she was the most interesting person in the room.

"So," he continued, leaning a little closer, "what's got you drinking all alone? It's a party, after all."

Cielle's eyes flicked back toward Koen and Hera, now standing too close for her comfort. Her stomach churned with jealousy and frustration.

"Nothing," she said quickly, downing the rest of her drink. "Just... enjoying the party."

Lucian raised an eyebrow, his gaze following hers to where Koen and Hera were. "Ah," he murmured knowingly, "now I understand."

Cielle was still processing everything when Lucian handed her another drink, his eyes locked on hers with an intensity that made her stomach flutter. As they sat down, Lucian shifted the conversation, smoothly transitioning into something lighter, but his gaze remained steady.

"So, Cielle," he started, taking a sip from his glass, "what's your favorite drink? Aside from drowning your sorrows with whatever's at the bar tonight."

Cielle let out a soft laugh, grateful for the distraction. "Usually something light. A mojito, maybe."

Lucian raised an eyebrow. "Mojito? Fresh mint and lime, huh? Classy choice. Personally, I'm a whiskey guy."

She smiled, feeling slightly more at ease. "Figures."

Lucian leaned in a bit, his eyes scanning her face. "What else? Favorite food?"

She paused, the alcohol making her feel more relaxed. "Tteokbokki," she admitted, taking another sip of her drink. "I can eat Tteokbokki every day if I had the chance."

Lucian nodded, clearly impressed. "A girl with good taste. I'm more of a steak guy myself, but Tteokbokki's a close second."

Cielle glanced over at Koen once again, her mind drifting back to her jealousy. But Lucian's voice pulled her back.

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