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In the days following their meeting at Café Bella, Cielle's eagerness to see Koen again only grew. She continued to use her fake reports as a reason to stay in touch. Every message she sent was carefully crafted to seem like a genuine request for his insight, though deep down, she knew her curiosity about Koen was far beyond mere academic interest.

Cielle browsed through her phone, reviewing her latest draft. She noticed an area where she could use more information and decided it was the perfect excuse to reach out again.

— Cielle (typing):

Hi Mr. Davies, 
I've been reviewing our last discussion, and I found a few more aspects regarding legal precedents that I'd love to dive deeper into—especially some recent case studies that I think could enrich my report. 
If you're available, would you mind meeting again? I was thinking perhaps the art museum this time—it's quiet, and we could go over the details without much distraction. 
Looking forward to hearing from you. 

Cielle Flordelis Delfin

She stared at the message for a moment, chewing on her lip. It wasn't exactly a lie—she did have more to ask him about—but deep down, she knew the report wasn't her main focus anymore. She hit send, feeling a mixture of excitement and guilt churn in her stomach.

While Cielle was in her journalism class, she found herself distracted, constantly checking her email. Her excitement was palpable, and her friend Amanda noticed.

"You seem really anxious. What's up?"

Cielle trying to appear casual, "Oh, it's nothing. Just waiting for a reply from Koen about the report."

Amanda raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "Koen? The lawyer? So you call him by his first name now. Aren't you done with the project? Why are you still so worked up?"

Cielle's cheeks flushed slightly. She stammered as she tried to explain. "Well, I just... I mean, there are a few more details I need to clarify. It's important to get everything right."

Amanda's teasing grin grew, "Right. It's all about the report. But you seem really excited. You sure there's nothing else?"

Cielle fumbled, feeling cornered. "No, I mean—yes, it's just for the report. I'm just really focused on it right now."

Amanda chuckled softly, "Okay, if you say so. Just don't get too caught up in it."

Cielle nodded, though her thoughts were already drifting back to her anticipation of Koen's reply.

Meanwhile, Koen sat in his office, his eyes skimming over his inbox. When he saw Cielle's name pop up, a slight smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. He clicked open her email, quickly reading through it. But as he did, something felt... off. The report seemed to be taking an unusually long time, and Cielle's continued interest in meeting up was beginning to seem less about her project and more about something else.

Koen thought, "Is she really still working on that report, or is there something more?"

For a brief moment, the thought of her using the report as an excuse crossed his mind, but he quickly pushed it away. "She's just a student", he reminded himself. Perhaps she really was just being diligent.

Koen (replying):

Hi Cielle,
I'm free starting 4pm this afternoon. The art museum sounds like a good idea.

Koen Philipp Davies

As he hit send, Koen leaned back in his chair, shaking off any doubts. Whatever her reasons were, he enjoyed their conversations and found Cielle's curiosity refreshing. He saw no harm in meeting her again.

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