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Cielle and Koen decided to check some nearby inns. They figured it would be the easiest solution, but things quickly took an awkward turn when they reached the reception desk of a small, cozy inn.

The older man behind the counter eyed them with a mischievous grin as they approached. "A couple, huh?" he asked, his tone already teasing. "I'm guessing you two want some privacy for... the night?"

Cielle blinked, a little taken aback by the man's tone, but before she could respond, he continued, "Don't worry, we've got nice, soundproof walls. You can get up to all sorts of... activities." His grin widened, and he winked in a way that made both Koen and Cielle freeze.

Cielle's eyes widened as she glanced up at Koen, who was already starting to blush. She could feel her own face growing warm too, and she quickly looked down, trying to hide her embarrassment.

The innkeeper didn't stop there, chuckling to himself. "Just make sure to keep it under control. Some guests get a little wild—"

After the awkward exchange with the innkeeper, Koen quickly cleared his throat, realizing his hasty decision. "A room for one," he had said, but as the crew behind the desk started exchanging knowing glances, their eyes lingering on Cielle, Koen felt a wave of discomfort settle over him. The judgment was practically oozing from their looks, and it made him second-guess everything.

He glanced at Cielle, who was trying her best to avoid eye contact with the staff, clearly uncomfortable too. The situation didn't sit right with him. Sure, they could just ignore it, but the feeling that they were being judged—being watched—bothered him more than he'd admit.

Koen shifted awkwardly, then suddenly spoke up, his voice firm, but calm. "Actually... we won't be needing the room after all."

The innkeeper raised an eyebrow, clearly surprised by the change. "Oh? Changed your mind, have you?"

Koen gave a tight smile, avoiding the man's suggestive tone. "Yeah, something came up. We'll be heading out."

Cielle looked up at him, blinking in surprise, but she didn't protest. It was clear she was relieved. She glanced back at the crew, who were still exchanging quiet looks and murmurs, and her cheeks reddened again. Without another word, she followed Koen out of the inn, her heart racing a little from the uncomfortable situation.

Once they were outside, the cool air felt like a relief. Cielle exhaled slowly, glancing at Koen. "Thanks for that. I wasn't really feeling it in there."

Koen gave her a small, apologetic smile. "Yeah, me neither. It didn't feel... right." He scratched the back of his head, still slightly embarrassed from the earlier misunderstanding. "Guess we'll have to figure something else out."

Cielle smiled softly, appreciating his thoughtfulness. "We'll figure it out. Worst case, I'll just crash at a friend's place... or maybe the couch somewhere," she joked lightly.

Koen, his voice quiet but steady. "Cielle."

She turned toward him, her expression soft but expectant.

He hesitated for a split second, then sighed again. "You can stay at my condo tonight."

Cielle blinked, a bit surprised by the offer. She opened her mouth to protest, but Koen quickly cut her off. "I know it's not the most... ideal situation, but we've run out of options. And I'm not about to leave you out here with nowhere to go."

There was a beat of silence, Cielle looking at him with a mixture of surprise and hesitation. "Are you sure, Koen? I don't want to be a bother."

Koen shook his head, his tone firm. "You're not a bother. It's just for tonight. You'll be safe, and we can figure everything else out in the morning."

Cielle could see the sincerity in his eyes. Despite how awkward the idea seemed at first, she trusted Koen. She nodded slowly, giving him a small smile. "Alright. But I'm still holding you to those pancakes for breakfast."

Koen chuckled softly, feeling the tension ease up a bit. "Deal."

They headed back to his car, the atmosphere between them more relaxed now that a plan was set. Though the night hadn't gone as smoothly as either of them expected, at least now they had a place to stay, and that was enough for the moment.

Once they arrived at Koen's condo, the atmosphere was noticeably quieter. It wasn't anything extravagant, but it had a clean, minimalistic charm that fit his personality perfectly. Cielle took off her shoes and looked around, taking in the cozy but organized space. There were a few personal touches—a framed photo of his family, some books neatly lined up on the shelves, and a simple but modern couch in the living area.

Koen rubbed the back of his neck, a little awkward now that they were inside. "Make yourself at home," he said, gesturing toward the couch. "I'll get you something to drink."

"Thanks," Cielle replied, sitting down and sinking into the softness of the couch. She hadn't realized how tired she was until she finally sat down. The tension from the night, all the walking and worrying, was starting to catch up with her.

Koen returned with two glasses of water, handing one to her before sitting down on the opposite end of the couch. For a moment, there was a comfortable silence as they both took a sip, the events of the night slowly fading into the background.

"So..." Cielle began, breaking the silence with a small laugh. "This is not how I expected the night to go."

Koen smirked, leaning back against the couch. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure neither of us planned on it."

She chuckled softly, setting her glass down on the coffee table. "Thanks for offering to let me stay. I know you probably weren't expecting company tonight."

Koen shrugged, trying to play it off like it was no big deal. "It's fine. Better than leaving you out there stranded." He paused, his gaze softening slightly. "But... are you okay? I know the whole thing with Pauleen is bothering you."

Cielle's smile faded a bit as she looked down at her hands. "Yeah... it's just hard. We've always had this weird relationship. She's always looking out for me, but sometimes I feel like she's trying too hard, you know?"

Koen nodded, understanding her situation. "Like she's being overprotective?"

"Exactly." Cielle sighed, leaning back against the couch. "I know she means well, but it gets frustrating. She doesn't understand that I'm not a kid anymore. I can make my own choices."

Koen glanced over at her, his expression thoughtful. "Maybe she's just worried."

Cielle smiled softly at that. "Maybe. But I can't be perfect, and I wish she'd stop expecting me to be."

"You don't have to be perfect," he finally said. "You're doing fine as you are."

Cielle looked at him, the warmth in his voice catching her off guard. For a moment, their eyes met, and the room seemed to grow quieter, more intimate. She didn't say anything, just held his gaze, feeling a strange sense of peace in the midst of all the chaos.

"Thanks," she whispered, her voice soft but genuine.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11 ⏰

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