Thoughts On Hamburg

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It's a brand new day in Hamburg. Amanda is the last to wake up after she decided to sleep in from the crazy events that took place the day before. She finds Paul in the kitchen drinking tea, and he smiles as she approaches.

"Morning, Paul." Said Amanda through a yawn. "Good morning, sweetheart." Said Paul. He gives Amanda a kiss on her forehead. "How'd you sleep last night?" She asked. "Oh, just fine. Glad Derek and I decided to turn in early after everything that happened yesterday. Speaking of which, he and Odette went out for a walk. They wanted me to tell you that if you were still sleeping by the time they left." Paul said. "Ah." Amanda said.

"Anyway, how are you liking Hamburg so far?" Asked Paul. "It's very nice, I like it. Odette and I did get a little sightseeing in while we were looking for you and Derek. I meant to tell you, the two of you were brave when you fought Sybil and Zora." Said Amanda. "Thanks, but it was really you and Odette who saved the day. If Derek hadn't mentioned their weakness to the sun, we would've been done for." Paul said. "More than that, those corpses would've cut your heads open." Amanda said.

Paul shudders, then the door opens to reveal Derek and Odette, who have just returned from their walk. "Ah, welcome back!" Said Paul. "Hi again, Paul. And how'd you sleep, Amanda?" Asked Odette. "Like a baby. How was your walk?" Asked Amanda. "Oh, you should've seen it! We came across the Old Botanical Garden, and Odette's face lit up once we walked in. The place was gorgeous!" Said Derek.

"Wow! I sure would like to see it!" Amanda said. "I asked Amanda, now I'll ask you lot. What do you think of Hamburg?" Paul asked. "We love it! You have great taste in places, Paul." Odette said. "One day we might bring you to Borromeo." Derek said. 

"I'd like that. Anyway, Amanda recently told me you're trying to get back in touch with an old friend. Isn't that right, Derek?" Asked Paul. "We are indeed. Bromley is his name, by the way." Said Derek. "Our quest for him has been quite interesting so far. When we brought up his name, people were referring to him as the hero of Rosegart." Said Odette. "Still haven't gotten the whole story yet, huh?" Asked Amanda.

Derek and Odette shake their heads. "But we're excited to find out more. When we do, we'll make sure to share it with you." Odette said. "I look forward to hearing more." Paul said. "Me too, hopefully you actually find him at some point." Amanda said. "I hope we do as well. If we happen to cross paths again, Paul, we'll introduce you to him." Derek said. Paul nods. "I'd love to meet him, I really would." He said.

"Meanwhile, why don't we make up for our misadventure from yesterday?" Asked Odette. "What are you suggesting?" Asked Amanda. "You girls can go out and do a little something, while Paul and I head out together." Said Derek. "I like this idea." Said Paul. It was decided that the girls would go off and do one thing, while the boys head off to do something of their choice.

Those of you wondering about the "Hero of Rosegart" thing, check out this entry of Odette's diary from July. ~ Amanda

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