Sugar Pink's Defeat

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The ride back to Bubblegum Castle may have been bumpy, but with time almost up, the boys are desperate to save their wives. They take off their masks, but keep them handy just in case. Once they ran through the entrance, they locate the potions room, only for it to be blocked by Sugar Pink.

"Oh no." Said Derek. "So, you gained access to my secret antidote for my acid gum and somehow managed to find and locate all the ingredients needed." Said Sugar Pink with her arms crossed. "I'm guessing you're Sugar Pink?" Asked Paul. "That's right, and I assume you're the husbands of Princess Amanda and Queen Odette?" Sugar Pink asked. "Yes, now step aside so we can make the antidote and save our wives!" Derek said. "Derek, don't look now, but I think she's already blowing an acid bubble." Paul said.

The Beatle bassist was right, Sugar Pink has a piece of her acid gum in her mouth and is already on the brink of blowing a bubble. Remembering what happens when it pops, the boys put their masks on. The bubble pops after it reaches a big size and sprays even more acid, but neither Paul nor Derek get affected with them being protected.

Sugar Pink slowly walks towards the boys as they back away. "Paul, now's our chance! You get in there and make the antidote! I'll hold Sugar Pink off until you get back!" Said Derek. "Right!" Said Paul. Derek hands him the ingredients before he runs into the potions room.

"Do you really think you're strong enough to stop me?" Asked Sugar Pink. "I don't think, I know I am! Your evil plot ends here!" Derek yelled. "Ha! You may look like a king, but you're still very young." Sugar Pink said. "Excuse me, but I am a king!" Said Derek angrily. "Then where's your crown?" Asked Sugar Pink. "I don't wear it with this outfit. But this isn't about me, it's about how my wife and sister in-law's lives are at stake because of your gum! I won't allow you or anyone else to destroy the people I love! And when I'm through with you, you're gonna wish you didn't mess with us!" Derek said.

The bubblegum witch snaps her fingers and summons her minions again. "I grow tired of your meddling! Get him!!!" She said as she ordered her minions to kill Derek. "Paul, anytime now!!" He said.

Potions Room

Paul has just finished putting all the ingredients into the cauldron and is now stirring everything up. After two minutes, a puff of rainbow smoke emerges as the liquid turns the same color. The bassist grabs two bottles and fills them up with the antidote.

Luckily both bottles have a built in cap, so Paul closes them up to prevent spillage and puts one in his pocket before going back to the main hall, where Derek is evading the bubblegum minions.

"Derek, it's ready!" Paul said. "Toss me a bottle!" Said Derek. Paul throws the other bottle to the king, but Sugar Pink catches it before he can. "Looking for this?" She asked. Paul fills with rage and pushes the bubblegum witch, causing the bottle to fly out of her hand. Derek manages to catch it and put it in his shirt pocket for safe keeping.

Sugar Pink stands back up and faces Paul. "Why you little...!!" She yelled before charging towards him. Remembering his training, Paul dodges the attack. As for Derek, he manages to defeat the minions, causing the bubblegum witch to fill with even more anger. She rushes towards Derek while drawing a dagger, ready to stab him, but he blocks it as he tries with all his might to push her off.

"Paul, you have to use the acid gum against her!" Derek yelled. "What?!" Said Paul in shock. "The bubbles are the only thing that's toxic! Chewing it won't kill you!!" Said Derek. Though he's hesitant, Paul still manages to find and take a piece of Sugar Pink's acid gum while Derek is still trying to push her off him.

The bassist takes off his mask, puts the gum in his mouth and starts to chew. "Come on!" Paul said to himself. After three minutes of chewing, he finally manages to blow a bubble. It pops after growing to the size of a basketball, spraying the biggest mist of acid not even Sugar Pink has done. Remembering that the spray is toxic, Paul puts his mask on right away so he doesn't inhale it. 

Sugar Pink's grip on her knife falters within a minute, then she drops it and collapses as her wrists slip from Derek's grasp. The boys look down at her as she glares at them. "Any last words?" Derek asked with his hands on his hips. "You fight good, I admit, but I'll get my revenge somehow! You'll see!" Sugar Pink yelled. "No, I don't think you will. Because from here on out, you're finished!" Paul said. 

With the amount of acid she inhaled, the bubblegum witch quickly succumbs to the toxic spray that Amanda and Odette accidentally breathed in. Instead of dissolving into ash, Sugar Pink has melted into a puddle of bubblegum.

 Instead of dissolving into ash, Sugar Pink has melted into a puddle of bubblegum

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