Acid Bubblegum

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Paul shows Derek a few parts of Hamburg he's seen in the past as the boys walk on. "I gotta say, Paul, you've seen a lot of things here." Said Derek. "I may not have been here in three years, but I remember most of the places I've come across." Said Paul. "Ah. Look, there's the botanical garden I mentioned earlier!" Derek said. "Wow! Can you show me what you saw in there?" Paul asked. "I sure can! But if there's one thing you're gonna love, it's the fountain." Said Derek. "Oh, now I'm intrigued." Said Paul.


"It was really nice meeting you, Miss Sugar, but we should probably head back." Said Odette. "I understand. But before you leave, take a piece of my special bubblegum for being so kind." Said Miss Sugar. She hands the girls a stick of gum. "Gee, thanks. Although I've never even had bubblegum before, let alone regular gum." Said Amanda.

Miss Sugar takes her own stick and puts it in her mouth to chew. "Blowing a bubble takes practice, but you'll get it eventually." She said. "Thanks for the tip. We'll be leaving now." Amanda said. She and Odette say their last goodbyes to the lady in pink before continuing with their walk.

Little do the girls know, Miss Sugar is following them, but she's keeping her footsteps as quiet as possible so they don't get suspicious.

"I've never had bubblegum before either, sis. Has Paul tried it?" Odette asked. "He had the regular kind, actually. But there's one little tip we need to understand about gum." Said Amanda. "Yes?" Said Odette. "We're not allowed to swallow it. From what I've been told, gum can't be digested. Once we're done, spit it out." Amanda said. "Gosh, I'll definitely remember that." Odette said.

The girls unwrap their sticks and put them in their mouths as they start chewing. "Mmm, this has a nice flavor." Said Amanda. "It really does, you're right. Should we try blowing a bubble?" Asked Odette. "It's worth a shot." Amanda said.

After a few minutes of chewing, the girls attempt to blow a bubble. They manage to blow one as big as an apple, then it eventually pops. They suck the gum back into their mouths afterwards and chew some more. "Wow, that was surprisingly easy!" Odette said. "I know, right? Let's try it again!" Said Amanda.

They barely manage to chew their gum for another few minutes, until an uncomfortable expression appears on Odette's face. "Um, Amanda? I think we should spit our gum out now." She said. "Why, what's wrong?" Asked Amanda. "I'm not feeling well all of a sudden." Said Odette. "Now that you mention it, I don't feel so hot either. Good thing we're coming across a trash can, we can spit it in there." Amanda said.

Once they've approached the trashcan, the girls spit their gum out. "I feel like there was something in the gum that's making us feel sick." Odette said. "Whatever it was, I'm starting to feel a little worse." Said Amanda. "Same here." Said Odette.

All of a sudden, the girls collapse.

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