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Danielle could only let out a sigh as Hanni paced around the room. "You seriously have to see it, she's so annoying." Hanni said with frustration. And Danielle shook her head.

"I think it's cute of her, she's trying to get your attention and in some way wants to be friends with you." Danielle said. And Hanni shook her head. "I will never ever be her friend, she's so insufferable, you don't understand." Hanni said as she plopped down next to Danielle on the bed.

"At least she's one of those laid back exes, she's super chill and only bothers you because that's the way she is. You fell in love with her back then because of her playfulness." Danielle said and Hanni let out a huff. "We promised to never interact with each other again, but life just has other plans." Hanni said and Danielle gave her a teasing smile.

"Or maybe it's just destiny, you know. The whole soulmate thing." Danielle said and Hanni looked at her as if she's said the most strangest thing ever. "Soulmate? Minji? You must be high Danielle. Don't you see what happens when we're in the same room?" Hanni said and Danielle let out a chuckle.

"I would've fallen in love with Haerin all over again if she was my ex and she was acting like Minji, I'd fall right back at her feet. We all know that Minji has always been a sweet person towards you." And Hanni shook her head, trying her best to not let Danielle's words enter her head.

"She's so...annoying. She flirts with every single one of my friends as if I wasn't there. And she just annoys me the way a little toddler would." Hanni said and Danielle giggled.

"I have a feeling that you still like her~" Danielle singsonged and Hanni threw her a glare. "I do not! I've had two relationships since we broke up." Hanni said and Danielle gave her a knowing look. "And those relationships didn't last, Hanni." Hanni threw Danielle another glare.

"I mean, she's still single and by now she's had like a quarter of the girls at school confess to her. But we all know that Minji doesn't take dating serious anymore." Danielle said and Hanni looked at her with a whine. "But it's not my fault she doesn't take dating seriously."

"Hanni...you broke up with her...and she kind of agreed with everything you said..?" Hanni stood up and stomped her foot on the ground. "And you broke up with her for a stupid reason, just because she had almost the whole school trying to take her from you." Hanni stomped her foot again and took a seat next to Danielle.

"Don't even remind me, it was just something that got on my nerves! And it's not like anything has changed. If anything, she's the one wooing them." Hanni said as she placed her head on her hands. "Jealous?" And Hanni smacked Danielle's arm. "No, not jealous." Hanni said with a defeated sigh.

Everything with Minji was just a mess, and maybe that's why she seemed to get so annoyed when she messed with her, but it's not like Minji doesn't want her to chase her down the hallway with a rock in hand.

"Try talking with her." Danielle insisted because she truly wanted them to get back together. It was kind of obvious that they still each other, but that promise of never getting back together stopped them. And Minji was just a fool in love and it makes it so much better.

"I'm never going to talk to her!"


Haerin wanted to laugh as she watched Minji walk around the room. "She swung her elbow on my balls! I won't be able to have kids!" Haerin shook her head as she stood up. "I mean, you're like a flea that doesn't get off her. I would've kicked you instead."

"Not helping!" Minji groaned out and Haerin went to Minji and grabbed her shoulders to keep her still. "Minji, you know that Hanni love language is hitting you." Haerin said and Minji shook her head. "We're not even friends, we just...just seem to be everywhere the other is and it's starting to infuriate me! And let's not add how moody Hanni is. One moment she's chill being around me and the next she's loosing her mind because I breathed too close to her." Minji ranted and Haerin dragged her to sit down on the couch.

"Do you remember ranting about this exact thing when you first started to hang out with Hanni back in the day?" Haerin asked and Minji let out a groan as she covered her face. "Don't even! She almost knocked me out, she's stronger than she looks!" Haerin could only laugh as she patted Minji's back. "She did it because you scared her soul out of her body, she did not mean to swing her backpack at you." Haerin said and Minji let out a huff.

"I didn't even mean to scare her! Well...kind of but still!" Haerin looked at Minji and gave her a smirk. "But you loved that Hanni was like that, why? Because she matched you." And Minji plopped down on the bed, her body bouncing as she was now lying down. "Yeah, it was probably the best thing about my relationship with her, she was just...my other half." Minji said the last part in a whisper and Haerin could only smile widely.

Unlike Hanni, Minji never really minded talking about her relationship with Hanni. All she could ever do is laugh as she remembered all the memories that never seem to leave her brain.

"Why don't you get back with her?" Haerin asked and Minji shot right up. "No! I can't! I don't even...like her like that." Minji said, her voice a little shaky saying the last part. Minji was just the worst liar out there.

"You sat there and agreed to everything she asked of you, and we both know you never wanted any of that. You even had a mental breakdown when she got with Soobin." Haerin said and Minji let out a sigh. "But that was because they started dating five months after we broke up, and they didn't even last! From what I heard is that they broke up due to not going to the same college." Minji said and Haerin gave her a knowing look.

"I only know this because Danielle told me!" Minji explained and Haerin gave her another knowing look. "Okay, I know it because I started to snoop around but it was just that one time because I still had strong feelings for her and I was dying of jealousy." Minji said.

"Hanni's single still, Minji. If you ever want to get her back, do it now." Haerin said and Minji shook her head. "Even if I tried, Hanni would knock me out cold with a brick. She clearly said she would if I ever tried to get back with her!" Haerin gave Minji a comprehensive look. "And it's not like I'll ever get back with her, my story with Hanni ended already." Minji said.

"At least Hanni doesn't actually hate you, and that's enough for me to know that she still cares for you. And as much as you try to deny it, you care for her too." Minji didn't say anything and that was more than enough for Haerin.

"Okay, maybe I do care. But it's like out of instinct, it's not that I like her in that way." Minji said but there was a quiver in her voice that made Haerin raise a brow. But she won't question any more. Minji was adamant with her feelings, but as long that she's okay. Haerin wouldn't say anything.

It's all up to Minji and Hanni to figure that out. Their love-hate relationship won't last long either way, they'll come to their senses eventually.


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