Another Life... ~Chapter 14

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Dedicated to: @NoForBullies_ICare4U for supporting people who get bullied at school/home/etc. I think it's amazing that she even thought about this! Go follow her to show your support!(: 


“Live_WhileWereYoung asks are you two dating?” I could feel my cheeks flaming up at the thought of my crush and me dating. "The answer is no. We're just best friends that everybody could ask for"

“Yeah guys, so you lot still got a chance to date Niall” They did, I didn't.

The comments on the right hand side were going wild. There were hate comments and comments that made me put the Cheshire cat on shame. There were some really nice fans, but like every fandom, there were the jealous ones. To think that I was one of them just a couple of weeks ago is incredible.

“So Guys, anymore questions? Please avoid asking about me and Kins. We are not dating” I gave him a sympathetic look and mouthed a ‘thank you’. He just chuckled.

My phone vibrated. I got it out of my pocket.

Will be home in half an hour. Get out of your twitcam&get dressed into something casual babe. I’m taking you somewhere&don't question xx

-Harry xx

Where is he going to take me and why? Questions came flooding down my mind and then I realized that I had to get dressed. 

"So guys, I have to go now, off to somewhere I don't even know. It was nice talking to you, answering your questions. Talk to you later" I spoke. Niall gave me a questioning look as if to say 'what's going on?' but I just shrugged. I couldn't tell him while the twitcam wasn't over. 

I ran upstairs. Opened the door to my bedroom, stripped and hopped onto a quick shower. I got out and found an outfit. I wore a plain top with black stripes, a skater skirt with braces, to top the look up I got a pair of my favourite knee-high socks and a pair of vans (a/n outfit on the right) For jewellery I got a few black and white bracelets and put them on my wrists. I used to cut but stopped when I-ugh never mind. The scars still remain their spots on my wrists, even though the last time I cut was like five years ago. I hate it, I wish I had never cut.

I had my hair down, showing off my soft waves of my hair. Then put on a few layers of mascara and eyeliner. I felt decent, at least decent-enough. Now it's time to take a picture, I thought. Got my phone out and took a picture. I opened Twitter and tweeted:

Off to god knows where. Feeling better now thanks to @NiallOfficial #muchlove xxx [the link of the picture] 

Just in time, the bell rang. I ran downstairs, and saw Niall munching on some popcorn. 

"Where are you going princess?" Niall asked. 

"I don't even know Nialler, Harry texted me while the twitcam saying he's taking me somewhere. So yeah, I'll text you" I cooed and went over to him to give him a kiss on the cheek. "See ya Niall" 

I opened the door and saw Harry looking at me. Me being me, felt a bit insecure. "Like what you see Styles?" I cheekily asked. 

"Very" he simply responded before he slipped his hand in my waist and we started walking. I wonder where he's taking me...

"Haz, where are we going? Like seriously, tell me now or else" I asked, trying to look as serious as possible which was indeed failing because of Harry giving me his cheeky grin.

"I don't know, where would you LIKE to go?" 

"I don't know, ask Jesus." I responded, using my favourite Kingsley quote. I love him, k? Don't judge me. He's the God of humour. Funnier than Louis and that's saying something. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2013 ⏰

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