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Brett never thought he’d be the kind of person who liked to do sappy, romantic stuff like sharing desserts. But here he was, sitting opposite the most stunning human being on earth, staring into those feline eyes and one of the two dessert options the restaurant offered tonight on the table in the middle, waiting for either spoon to scoop bits of it away. 

The food had been beyond anything Brett had ever eaten in his young life, unsurprisingly. Never had he tasted such incredible sauces, going so well with the rosy, tender piece of lamb they’d served for main course. Even the veggies had been delicious, daintily arranged on the huge plate around the meat and small, round potato crisps. He got it now, why there had to be five courses. No way anyone would get enough after finishing just one plate.

“That little speck in your eye.” Eddy’s soft, warm voice pulled Brett out his reverie, looking at him with a wondrous glare. “What is that?”
“Here you mean?”, Brett pointed at his left eye with one end of his spoon.
Eddy nodded.
“Dunno”, Brett shrugged and took a mouthful of the small sponge cake and handmade ice cream sprinkled with dark chocolate flakes and gold dust, “Think had it since birth. Maybe it’s the cause of my bad eyesight.”
“It’s beautiful.”
Were the lights dim enough or did Eddy notice the blush creeping up Brett’s face? He glanced down at the sweet art piece in-between them.
“Uhm, really?”
“Always thought it looked kinda weird.”
“It’s unique”, Eddy stated.
“Guess it is”, Brett looked up again with a small smile. 

They were lucky. The money they’d gotten during their busking session was just about enough to cover the whole tap, tip and drinks included (good thing they had discarded the idea of pairing wines to each course relatively quickly) and the waiter only flinched a little when Eddy laid out all the coins and change on the table which he took to the back to count with an unfazed “One minute. I’ll be right back.” Brett waggled his eyebrows as the waiter stepped away and Eddy just so managed to not snort loudly.

“I’m afraid there’s not quite enough left for a bubble tea”, the taller meant, his index pushing coins back and forth in his other palm while the glassy elevator took them back to the land of mere mortals earning normal salaries. 
“That’s fine! I’m full anyways!”, Brett straightened his back with a yawn. It was probably getting late and they had rehearsals all day tomorrow. Still, Brett dreaded the moment where they had to say goodbye to each other, ending their in every aspect perfect date.
Eddy stuffed the money back into his pocket and took Brett’s hand like it was second nature. “Good! Was kinda worried you wouldn’t have enough after this.”
“Are you kidding? It was amazing by the way if I haven’t mentioned it yet. No idea how I’m ever gonna top that, I tell you.”
“No need to top anything, love”, the taller remarked. The doors of the lift opened and they walked out the building into a surprisingly cool night. There was thunder audible in the distance, announcing possible rain. 
“I’m just happy I get to spend time with you. No matter where and how.”
“He said, after the flawless execution of the date of the century.”
“The century’s young.”
Brett laughed. 
“No, but seriously!”, Eddy bumped Brett’s shoulder softly, “Even if we have to sit through rehearsal or eat fucked up cafeteria food, as long as it’s with you…”
Words like these, spoken in this earnest tone of his… Brett was positive they were going to be the death of him one day. He cleared his throat. 
“You’re a sweet talker, you know that, right?”
“Just saying how I feel. Gotta make up for my terrible communication in the beginning and with… you know”, Eddy sighed. Their feet steered them in the direction of the Sydney Opera House they were lucky to admire from the thirty-something floor all evening in a slow stroll, and thus close to the hotel the Queensland con orchestra was staying. Was Eddy accompanying back?
“Don’t need to make up for anything, you know we’re good?”
“I know. Doesn’t hurt to try improving myself, does it?”, Eddy winked.
A flash and another thunder. Brett shuddered, the plain shirt he was wearing not enough to keep him warm for once.
“Noble thought. I better keep up.”
“You’re perfect though.”
“No one’s perfect, Eddy mine”, Brett chuckled. 
“You are, in my eyes.”
“Pretty sure I’ll play out of tune tomorrow.”
A laugh escaped Eddy. “You know what I mean. You are in regards to things which are really important.”
“Violin playing’s not important?”, Brett exclaimed in an overly appalled manner, making Eddy laugh again.
The iconic shells popped up in the distance and when they walked past a giant digital clock mounted on a facade of a dentist’s office, Brett knew there wasn’t much time left of their day. 

“Eddy, this was really, really nice.”
“Yeah?” Eddy slowed down a bit, his soft gaze on Brett. 
“Yeah. The whole day. As I said, perfect.”
He brought his face closer, dizzying Brett with his scent. 
“I’m real glad you liked it”, he whispered before he closed the little bit of distance in-between them.

It was a small peck only, a tiny, innocent touch of lips but there was something. Something that let Brett yearn for more and despite knowing they were out in public, it was so, so easy to lose himself in this kiss. Always easy to let himself go, natural and incredibly tempting. There was this small reminder however, scenes of what happened after busking and Eddy was pulling back already, eyelids fluttering open in the most endearing way, his pupils black, darker than the night. 
“The teenage turds from this afternoon may have been right in one aspect”, he whispered only centimeters away from Brett’s trembling lips. Could he read Brett's mind?
“Yeah?”, he breathed.
“Snogging in public is kinda out there, isn’t it?”
“Kinda had similar thoughts to be honest.”
“So…” Eddy leaned back a bit, his arms loosely around Brett’s frame which was slowly warming up, “We keep the special kisses for when we’re alone?”
It would spare them some trouble for sure. And it wasn’t like Brett liked watching other people do that no matter their gender. So despite his insides growling in disagreement, he nodded. 
Eddy tilted his head. “Were we too harsh on them?”
“What? No! It’s still rude to say the things they said.”
“Agreed… but man! Stuff’s kinda complicated, isn’t it?”
Brett chuckled, tiptoed up and placed a chaste kiss on Eddy’s cheek. “I guess it’s normal when you’re new in the field. We have to figure things out all the time. What works for us and what’s okay for others.”
“I know one thing.” Brett’s love closed his eyes and leaned his forehead against Brett’s. “I’m in love with you and it makes me so happy you have no idea.”

Oh the words, the famous three words which had stood through centuries, filled countless books and inspired millions of artworks. They bubbled up inside him, wanted to spill over so the whole city would hear. Brett breathed in deeply, his eyes closing as well as he, for now, settled with, “Me too, Eddy mine. Me too.”

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