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Step after step after step. Why the hell did fire escapes have to be this clanky and look like the most unstable construction mankind ever came up with? Wasn’t it fucking counterproductive if people had to quickly flee the building in great numbers? Brett cursed silently while ordering his feet to simply take one step after another, desperately clinging to Eddy’s hand and probably leaving marks with his nails in the process.
“That’s right! Just like this! You’re doing great, Brett!”
It helped, Eddy’s voice. Grounding Brett a bit when there was no actual ground under his feet.
“Can you like, keep talking to me? Like, tell me something, anything…”
“Remember the first time we met?”, Eddy began immediately and Brett was amazed by how calm he sounded, joyful almost, light, “Normally, people didn’t interest me. It was different with you though. I’m not sure if it’s because you tried to talk to me so persistently or just because you’re you.”
One step after another. Hey! They were making progress and losing altitude! Even Brett could tell that much. 
“But there was something… I’ve always liked your voice timbre and your… dunno how to put it… your presence, I guess. You’re so present wherever you are. I felt so heard and seen when we talked or spent time with each other. And I was really impressed by your violin playing. It sounded fun, light at times, so different from what I was able to do. And I think it pissed me off that you could play like this because I couldn’t pull it off.”
Brett remembered Eddy asking him why he played the violin and how he’d reacted when Brett had said he’d simply liked playing because it was fun. 
“The way you move, your expression when you play”, Eddy continued, sounding dreamy, “I didn’t get it back then but God, you look good! You draw me in! On stage, in practice rooms, wherever, and whatever you do! You’re beautiful to say the least and I couldn’t get enough! First, I thought I was only admiring you and your skills in like social context and your ability to convey emotions through your music. But when I played Korngold’s second movement, well, you know the story.”
Hearing Eddy talking about his point of view when they were becoming friends was like listening to a fairytale as a five year old. All his focus was on Eddy’s words and before he knew it, they nearly made it to safe and most of all, solid grounds.

“It’s still hard to believe for me that you actually like me, you know”, Eddy stated and out of a reflex or instinct, Brett’s cramped up hand gave Eddy’s a squeeze, “You’re so talented, great with people, smart and funny. And you decide to spend time with me? I’m not even legally allowed to be in clubs and stuff.”
Brett scoffed, partly out of indignation and partly out of relief for there were only like two storeys left to climb down, thank God!
“Eddy mine, you should know by now I’m not the biggest party person, no?”
He almost bumped into Eddy as the other suddenly came to a halt. 
“Wow- wha- Eddy?”
Eddy turned around with big, shining eyes. 
“Brett! You…”
“What?”, Brett frowned, still very much in a hurry to leave this goddamn staircase.
“Did you just call me what I think you did?”
Brett blinked as cogwheels turned to replay what his mouth had blurted out, and he froze. 
“Uhh… guess so…”
Eddy’s beam got brighter, his eyes seemingly reflecting the twinkling stars above them and Brett just went softly, “Eddy mine.”

A sharp intake of breath, a brief headshake. It was so adorable Brett finally raised his free hand, cupped Eddy’s lovely face and tiptoed up, scary heights and shaky stairways forgotten, obliviated from his mind when their lips met at last. 

It was like an addict finally getting his shot, someone nearly drowning reaching the surface and their lungs desperately taking in air, needing and wanting more and more. Eddy’s lips were soft and warm on Brett’s and instantly started to move around his, igniting sparks somewhere deep in Brett’s belly which traveled throughout his whole body to every cell, every atom. Brett's mouth parted involuntarily, subconsciously with a soft groan and he breathed in deeply to get as much of Eddy’s intoxicating scent as possible. Their tongues met like they had back in the broom closet and immediately started a fiery dance with no delay as if they’d been doing this for ages and yet, it was new, exciting and incredibly exhilarating. Eddy’s tongue was soft but insistent and very skillfully moved around Brett’s, tasting his lips and clouding his mind in the process. 

“Mhmm”, Eddy made and if syllables could ever be sexy, this was definitely one of them, sending Brett’s heart rate through the roof of the Opera House so it almost matched its peak when they were, well, on the peak of said building. Brett’s hands moved from Eddy’s palm up to his shoulders and neck, pulling him closer. He felt Eddy’s travel down to the small of his back, sending delicious shivers on every bit of skin it passed. Brett’s breathing got faster and so did Eddy’s, matching Brett’s tempo like a duet partner and suddenly, Brett found himself pressing hard against the other until Eddy’s back hit the metal guard rail with a clank, trapping him in-between.

Nothing else existed but this kiss and them at this moment, Eddy’s hot lips on his and their tongues entangled, nothing but Eddy’s presence all around him and Brett’s greedy fingers exploring every bit of Eddy’s body he dared to reach. Brett’s hand went down over the gentle swell of his pecks, eliciting another moan and then further to his lean, firm belly and goddamn, who gave this guy permission to walk around in broad daylight and how did the whole population of Sydney NOT fall in love with him?

“Mhmm, Brett, my love.”
“I think… I heard the bell…”, Eddy managed in-between wild kisses.
“Don’t care!”, Brett hummed and basically threw himself against his love and was it wrong? Was it wrong to kiss someone like that without being in a relationship? Oh, how Brett wanted to climb up those stairs again and proclaim from the top of the Sydney Opera House that Eddy was his right now!

Eddy chuckled, the tip of his tongue enticingly moving against Brett’s lower lip. 
“Not sus at all if… the two of us don’t show up after intermission.”
Yeah, Eddy might have pointed out their limited time, his hands however had other intentions, reaching the hem of Brett’s shirt on his back and lifting it ever so slightly, giving fingertips graced with callouses access to extremely sensitive skin, leaving burning marks. 
“Oh, sh-”, Brett jolted back, unfortunately breaking their contact and leaving both of them breathless and foreheads damp with sweat. 
“God! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to-”, Eddy began and Brett, his face likely glowing in the dark like a full moon in the night sky, leaped forward again, silencing Eddy. 
“No apologizing”, he mumbled against Eddy's lips, “Got surprised. That’s all!”
Eddy laid his hands on Brett’s shoulders and gently pushed him back a bit. “Nah, Brett, I shouldn’t have without asking! Sorry, I… I wasn’t thinking…”
“Then I’m glad I’m not the only one affected here”, Brett said with an eyebrow waggle. 
“Are you really okay?”, he asked, the earnestness in his tone making Brett’s heart or what was left of it flutter. 
“Very much so!”, he said, “Are you okay with… you know… this?”
Eddy’s eyes widened. “Are you kidding? I never thought a Sydney Opera House fire escape would come in so handy.
Brett laughed. “Alright! I mean, I’m down to continue but you mentioned some bells ringing?”
Subtle and very sweet crinkles appeared at the corner of Eddy’s eyes as he leaned down to briefly touch Brett’s lips with his.
“Don’t think I wouldn’t prefer this to any concert.”
“Even Hilary Hahn’s?”, Brett winked while they finally took the last steps down and opened a metal door to freedom and a solid concrete floor.
“Uhh, tough choice”, Eddy groaned. He took Brett’s hand and they fell into a light jog to the main entrance. Brett was pretty sure he’d caught the sound signaling the end of the break a second time already.
“I knew you’d abandon me for her”, Brett grumbled, giving Eddy a good laugh as they ran into the building and toward the concert hall with rosy cheeks, glistening eyes and slightly swollen lips.

A/N: Sorry for the late upload again 🙈. I'm on holiday this week, so upload times might vary. I hope you're all doing good and wish you all a wonderful week. ❤️

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