part 25 - bridging the gap

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Tuesday April 8, 2025

Kiera POV

I feel Paige's fingers inside my cunt, my breathing is shallow and I'm trying to contain all the noises I'm making so that no one hears how loud I am. Our breasts are stacked on top of each other and my whole body is stiff as she goes harder into me by the second.

The feeling of her inside me just itches a part of me that I mourned when we were broken up. She slides another finger that causes me to feel like my entire body is about to burst.

"Oh my god," I let slip out of my mouth as she thrust her fingers inside me.

"Don't say his name in vain," she says, putting her other hand on the tip of my mouth.

I let out a loud moan as she digs her fingers inside of me and sucks my neck roughly. I feel her release her fingers which cause my body to shoot up.

"Paige," I say, giving her a dirty look, "I wasn't finished."

"I bought something," she says and hops out of bed and digs deeply into her backpack. She pulls out a giant strap, which causes my face to light up in excitement.

She puts on the strap and I lay down on the bed in my new apartment in Hartford. She presses into me and the strap attaches into me. She humps me aggressively and I let out a scream with how pleasurable this feels.

She throws her legs around me and I finally have an orgasm. She helps me ride out my high and then we put our clothes back and look back at my new bed.

"Umm, we made a mess.." Paige says with a little laugh looking at my new bed sheets now completely drenched in cum.

"I may need a new bed," I say in reaction with a loud laugh. We removed the bed sheets and threw them in the washing machine. We get a different set of sheets and I use Paige's naked chest as a pillow to sleep on.

"Kiera," she says softly, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Yeah?" I respond, eyes closed, exhaustion weighing me down.

"Do you remember, before we broke up, when I asked you to meet my parents?" she asks, her expression mirroring the same hopeful look she had that first time.

"Of course I want to meet your parents," I murmur, eyes still closed. "I want to meet Drew, and everyone who helped shape you into the person you are today."

I feel her lean in, pressing a soft kiss to my forehead, a warmth spreading through me despite my exhaustion.

"What about your parents? I want to meet the people who raised you," she asks gently, resting her head on mine.

I pause, feeling the weight of her question. "That... might be a little more complicated," I admit quietly.

"My parents cut me off after seeing the post," I say, my voice barely above a whisper as I open my eyes and stare at the ground. "They told me I was going to hell and that they couldn't have a gay daughter."

The words hang heavy in the air, and the familiar sting of rejection floods back as I say it out loud.

Paige goes quiet, and for a moment, I can feel her body tense against mine. Then, without a word, she wraps her arms around me tighter, pulling me close like she's trying to shield me from all the pain in the world.

"I'm so sorry, Kiera," she whispers, her voice thick with emotion. "You didn't deserve that. None of it." She lifts her head slightly, her hand gently tilting my chin so I have to meet her eyes. There's so much empathy there, so much love.

"You're not alone in this," she says softly, her voice full of conviction. "You have me."

Wednesday April 9, 2025

Paige POV

Kie and I are sitting at the gate, waiting for our flight to Minnesota. We're heading there so she can finally meet my dad and Drew before we fly to New York for the draft next week. I can tell she's nervous, the way her fingers fidget, twisting together like she's trying to settle herself.

I reach over and grab her hand, holding it firmly. She glances up at me, anxiety clear in her eyes.

"You don't have to be nervous," I say softly, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze. "My dad and Drew are going to love you."

She lets out a shaky breath, leaning her head on my shoulder. "I hope so," she mutters, still fidgeting with her free hand. "I want to make a good impression."

I smile, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. "You already will. Just be yourself—that's all you need to do."

As we wait for our flight to board, the tension in the air is palpable. I can feel Kie's nervous energy as she continues to fidget with her free hand. I squeeze her fingers gently, trying to offer as much comfort as I can.

We board the plane, and the flight to Minnesota is smooth. I can see Kie's nerves settle slightly as we chat about other things to distract her. She's excited but anxious about meeting my family—especially since she knows how important this is to me.

When we finally land in Minnesota, I can't help but feel a mix of excitement and nerves myself. I take Kie's hand again as we make our way to baggage claim. "Just remember," I say softly, "they're going to be a little curious but mostly excited to meet you. They've heard a lot about you already."

A/N - smut was requested 

A/N - watching the dal-ny game rn sabrina is on FIREEE

A/N - thank you for 4k reads love you all

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