part 26 - drifting together

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Thursday April 10, 2025

Kiera POV

I'm nestled on the couch beside Paige, with Drew and her father sitting across from us. I'm discussing my upcoming summer internship and my aspirations of becoming a sports agent. The conversation is flowing smoothly, and I have a strong feeling that they're impressed with me.

Drew, who's perched on a nearby chair, tilts his head curiously. "Do you think you'll get to meet any famous athletes this summer?"

I nod, smiling. "I hope so! The internship will definitely give me a chance to be around a lot of people in the sports world. And who knows, maybe I'll get to meet some of the athletes you know from Paige's games."

Drew's face lights up with excitement. "That would be awesome! I've met some of them before because of Paige. If you meet any of the ones I know, you should tell them I say hi!"

Paige's father chuckles. "Drew's already made quite a few friends in the basketball world, thanks to Paige. He's got a pretty impressive list of athletes he's met."

I laugh, feeling a renewed sense of connection. "I'll definitely keep an eye out for anyone you know. It sounds like you've got some great connections!"

Drew beams with pride. "Yeah, and if you ever need any tips on who to look out for, just ask me!"

As we continue chatting, Drew's excitement adds a lively energy to the conversation. Paige's father's supportive nods and encouraging words make me feel even more confident about the future. With their support and Drew's infectious enthusiasm, I'm starting to really believe that this internship could be the beginning of something amazing.

"I'm so glad I came with," I whisper in Paige's ear. Her smile widens, as if she'd been waiting for me to say just that.

Paige's eyes light up at my words, and she gently nudges me with her shoulder. "I'm glad you're here too," she murmurs. "It means a lot to me."

We share a moment before Paige's father clears his throat. "How about we move this conversation to the kitchen? I've got some coffee and snacks ready."

We follow him to the kitchen, where he starts setting up a spread of coffee and pastries. Drew, sitting on a stool, excitedly tells me about his latest basketball game, and Paige's father listens, clearly enjoying the enthusiasm.

After a while, Drew jumps up, eyes twinkling. "Hey, since it's such a nice night tonight, why don't we go play some basketball? The park that we usually play at isn't far."

Paige looks at me with a grin. "What do you think? Fancy a little game?"

I laugh, feeling the energy of the moment. "That sounds like a lot of fun. I'm down!"

Paige's father smiles. "Go have a blast. I'll tidy up here."

We head out, Drew leading the way with the basketball in hand. Paige and I follow, chatting and laughing as we walk to the court. The evening air is cool and refreshing, making the walk pleasant.

The game turns into a lively mix of competitive play and friendly banter. We take turns making shots, cheering each other on, and laughing at the occasional miss. The golden glow of the setting sun adds a perfect touch to the evening.

As we wrap up and head back, I feel a warm sense of satisfaction. Playing basketball with Paige and Drew has been the perfect way to end the evening, and I'm grateful for the chance to share this moment with them.

Paige gives me a contented smile as we walk back. "Thanks for coming tonight. It's been really great."

I squeeze her hand lightly. "I'm glad I did. Tonight was perfect."

Paige POV

We're lying in my childhood bedroom, the familiar hum of the TV filling the space as we watch Orange is the New Black. I'm sprawled comfortably with my head resting on Kiera's hips, while she sits up against the headboard, her attention divided between me and the show.

I occasionally glance up at her, enjoying the contrast of her warm presence against the backdrop of the TV's glow. The show's plot twists and Kiera's occasional shifts in position keep me constantly moving my gaze.

As I look up at her again, I notice something different—a small hickey on the side of her neck, partially hidden by her hair. My breath catches for a moment, and I shift slightly to get a better look.

Kiera meets my eyes, a faint blush creeping onto her cheeks as she realizes what I've seen. "Oh," she says softly, a mix of embarrassment and amusement in her voice. "I didn't think you'd notice."

I snuggle closer, my head resting comfortably on her hips. "How could I not? It's kind of hard to miss."

She laughs quietly, her fingers lightly brushing over the mark. "Yeah, I guess you could say that."

I lean in, giving her a gentle kiss on the cheek. "Well, I'm glad you had a good time. And I'm definitely not complaining."

We settle back into our comfortable positions, the soft light from the TV casting a gentle glow around us. The episode continues, but for now, everything feels perfect, wrapped in the warmth of our shared moment.

I feel myself growing drowsy as the episode plays on, the warmth and comfort of our position making it hard to stay awake. Resting against Kiera's hips, I realize how content and peaceful I am right here. Part of me wants to shift and give her the chance to find a more comfortable position, but the thought of moving feels almost impossible.

I snuggle closer, the softness of her presence making me feel completely at ease. Even though I hope she's getting restful sleep, I know I'll be drifting off soon, fully content to stay in this cozy spot.

As sleep begins to pull me under, I smile softly, knowing that despite any small discomfort, being close to her like this is exactly where I want to be.

I close my eyes, feeling the steady rise and fall of her breathing, and let myself drift off, hoping she finds the same comfort and rest that I'm enjoying.

I close my eyes, feeling the steady rise and fall of her breathing, and let myself drift off, hoping she finds the same comfort and rest that I'm enjoying

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Hopkins mn 📍

@kikidoyaloveme - how does it feel to lose to me?

    @fortnitekid42 - How does it feel to lie?

@morgan.cheli - MOMS!!!

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A/N - im still sick so expect lots of updates

A/N - someone teach me how to write smut, im aware im not very good at writing it.

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