part 34 - homecoming

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Friday May 16, 2025

Kiera POV

The soft glow of the early morning light filters through the curtains, casting a golden hue across Paige's room. It's barely five in the morning, but I'm wide awake, my heart swelling with a sense of calm and quiet happiness. Paige lies beside me, her body completely relaxed, her chest rising and falling in the slow rhythm of sleep. Her head rests gently on my shoulder, the weight of it grounding me in this moment.

I can feel the warmth of her skin through the thin fabric of her sleep shirt, her blonde hair spilling across the pillow and brushing against my neck. Every part of her feels so perfect, so familiar. Her breathing is soft, each exhale fanning across my collarbone like a quiet reminder that she's here, with me.

I shift slightly to get a better look at her face—her beautiful face, peaceful and serene in her sleep. The lines of worry that sometimes shadow her expression during the day are completely smoothed out now. It's in moments like this that I fall for her even more deeply, when all her walls are down and she's just... Paige. My Paige.

My fingers trace the outline of her shoulder softly, careful not to wake her. I want to preserve this moment, to hold onto the tranquility before the world wakes up and our busy lives take over. She looks so innocent, so unbothered by the stresses that weigh her down during the day—the pressure of being Paige Bueckers.

I close my eyes for a second, letting the silence stretch out between us, the steady beat of her heart syncing with mine. There's something about watching her sleep that makes me feel so protective, so in awe of the way she balances everything in her life with such grace.

I brush a lock of her hair away from her face, tucking it gently behind her ear. She stirs a little, her lips parting as she snuggles closer into my side. God, I love her. It's overwhelming sometimes—how much I care for her, how much I want to keep her safe from everything, even if it's just from her own worries.

The sun's starting to rise, painting the sky outside in soft shades of pink and orange. I know that soon, the day will begin, and we'll have to face whatever challenges come our way. But for now, in this quiet cocoon of early morning, it's just us. Just me and Paige, her soft breathing, and the peaceful rhythm of our hearts.

I think about closing my eyes, trying to catch a little bit of sleep, but it feels impossible. Paige played her heart out last night, and we didn't get back to her apartment until after midnight. I know she'll sleep in, worn out from the game, but something about looking away from her feels wrong. It's like I'd be missing out on this perfect moment, and I can't bring myself to close my eyes when hers are so peacefully shut.

She's pressed against me, her body warm and relaxed, her breathing soft and steady. I've lived in Connecticut for almost a year now, but moments like this, lying next to her, make me feel like I've found my true home. I can't help but think of Colorado, the place I called home my whole life, and how distant it feels now. How Paige, and this feeling of belonging, has taken over what I thought home was supposed to mean.

I moved across the country for school, thinking UConn would be my next big chapter, but now I'm realizing that this year in Connecticut was just a stepping stone. Being here with Paige has changed everything. She's the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. The one who makes everything make sense.

It hits me quietly, as I watch her sleep, that I'm ready to take the next step. I don't want to just visit her, or live a plane ride away, making this long-distance thing work. I want to be with her—every day. And I know where that has to be. I've made my decision: I'm going to move to San Francisco.

It's a big leap, leaving behind the life I've known in Colorado, and this past year in Connecticut, but I don't feel scared. It feels right. I've always dreamed of something more, and now I can see what that is—building a life with her. Not just temporary moments, but the real thing. A home, a future. Together.

I shift slightly, brushing a lock of hair from her face as she snuggles closer to me. She's so peaceful, so beautiful, and everything about this moment feels perfect. I can't help but smile, knowing that choosing to move to San Francisco is the easiest decision I've ever made.

In a few hours, the world will wake up, and I'll tell her. We'll talk about our plans and what's next. But for now, I just want to hold onto this—her warmth, the quiet certainty I feel, and the thought of what our future will look like.

Leaving Connecticut and my old life behind doesn't feel like a loss. It feels like the start of something new. And I know, wherever she is, that's where I want to be. San Francisco is going to be our home. Paige, and the life we'll build together, is my future. I don't need anything else. Just her. Always.

a/n -  i wrote this thinking about my girl 

I love her more than anyone.

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