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Hoon sobbed and cried, hugging Taemin "Dont go Tae..."

"I have to go Hoon, im sorry" he patted his head.

"Cmon Hoon, let Tae go, he needs to go to school, it's important" Yeong said

Hoon shook his head

Taemin's mom giggled "Dont worry Hoon, you'll get to go to school with him next year, don't be so sad"

"Shes right'll get to go with him next year"

"I will..?"

"Mhm! You'll go to school with me!" Taemin smiled

"...okay..." Hoon sadly let go, Yeong picked him up "Cmon Hoon, we need to go home now"

"Okay.." Hoon began to wave goodbye to Taemin, sadly, he began to cry again on his mother.

Taemin felt bad for hoon, he didn't like to see Hoon sad, wich made him get sad now, but he held it in and went to school. Hoon felt pretty lonely when Taemin went to school, he got used to it eventually and waited for the day he would go to school along side Taemin.

[1st year of Elementary]

Hoon finally got Into Elementary, he was happy to go only because he would be with Taemin, however they wouldn't be in the same class, wich saddened him when he found out, but during recess and lunch they would play and hang out the whole time. They were stuck like glue throughout elementary that even the teachers had noticed.

"I got some yummy rice balls shaped like a panda!" Taemin showed off his food.

"I got triangle rice" Hoon grabbed one and ate it

"Want to trade?? You get one panda rice ball and I get one triangle rice"

"Mhm mhm"

They exchanged happily.

The two shared a lot of things like food and toys, at this point they were attached to one another. Other than being attached to eachother, they were doing pretty well in school, none of them got bad grades or misbehaved, wich made their parents proud, and gave Hee more of a reason to spoil them with gifts.

[6th and 5th grade]

Hoon and Taemin were getting much older now, they still hung out all the time, Taemin was still pretty energetic and Hoon was very much still a crybaby.

[Recess time]

Hoon was on the swings getting pushed by Taemin so he could go higher, he giggled and laughed.

"Whoa your going pretty high Hoon!"

After some time, Hoon put a stop to the swinging and got off "Your turn Tae"

"You want to push me?? Okay!" Taemin got on the swing "Be carefull!"

Hoon nodded "Okay, im going to push you now"


Hoon pushed the other, taemin helped him out by kicking his feet up in the air, and back down.
Hoon smiled and giggled at his proud work. He watched Taemin happily swing, Hoon was enjoying himself till he heard a group of kids laughing "Hm?" He looked over and they were looking at him, clearly making fun of him, Hoon looked down and tried to hold back tears. Taemin slowed down his swing and got off when it came to a full stop. "Whats wrong Hoon??"

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