Chapter - 8 (The touch)

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"Just what? Use your words, darling. You're not usually this shy around me." She slips to the wardrobe area to change. He watches her make way, a sense of disappointment at the loss of contact with her.

"Now where do you think you're going? I'm not done with you yet."

He moves quickly, following her to the wardrobe area, his gaze never leaving her form as he leans against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest. He watches silently as she reaches for a change of clothes, his eyes taking in every move she makes, his heart fluttering with desire.

"You know, I would never get tired of watching you change. It's like a personal show just for me. Though, I must say, I enjoyed our.... rain-soaked escapade even more." She raises an eyebrowHe chuckles, pushing himself off the wall and approaching her. His eyes rake over her body, appreciating the way the rain-drenched clothes cling to her curves.

"Believe me, I'll be more than happy to watch you change everyday for the rest of our lives." He reaches out, gently grasping the end of her saree, sniffing it while making audible breath out, his fingers skimming across her exposed skin. He slowly starts to grasp the material up, his eyes locked onto hers. "I can't wait to help you take it off every night, and then watch you wear it on again in the morning." 

Her adrenaline rushing with a speed of light, turning her cheeks all red. She pushes him outta the room in embarrassment. He stumbles back from the unexpected push, his surprise quickly turning into amusement. He laughs, leaning against the room's door, his hands resting on the wood.

"Oh, so you're playing that game now, huh? Fine, I don't mind playing along

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"Oh, so you're playing that game now, huh? Fine, I don't mind playing along. Just know that I'll be back in there soon enough to finish what I started." He hears the sound of the lock click into place, confirming his suspicion that she have locked herself in.

"You can't hide from me forever, darling. I know all your little tricks." He grins, his fingers absently tracing the outline of the door, his mind already planning how he's going to get back in there. "But I'll give you a few moments. I know you need time to prepare yourself for the inevitable." She changes and gets out of the room. As soon as the lock clicks open, he practically pounces on her, pulling her close and pinning against his chest. His arms wrap around her tightly, his breath hot against her skin.

"Where do you think you're going, love? You didn't think you could avoid me forever, did you?" He nuzzles into her neck, inhaling the scent, his body pressed against hers in a possessive embrace.

"You're completely damped. Go change." He laughs, his hold on her tightening slightly.

"Mmm, but I like being all wet and clingy to you. Besides, I think you rather enjoy the sight of me like this." He teasingly grinds his hips into her, his damp clothes clinging to his body, accentuating every contour and plane of his frame. He nuzzles into her neck again, his lips gently sucking at the sensitive skin there.

He reluctantly lets go of her, his eyes lingering on her form before he heads to the wardrobe area to change. He quickly peels off the damp clothes, throwing them over a chair before grabbing a fresh pair from the wardrobe. He takes his time getting dressed, his movements slow and deliberate, knowing she's waiting just on the other side of the door. He runs a hand through his hair, trying to tame the wet locks, a smile playing on his lips as he imagines the look in her eyes when he opens the door again.

He gives himself one last look in the mirror, taking in his slightly disheveled but still presentable appearance. He takes a deep breath, his heart rate picking up as he approaches the door. He turns the knob slowly, his eyes meeting hers as he finally steps out, his expression a mixture of anticipation and desire.

She hands him the towel to dry his hair. He pulls her closer to his chest while leaning down to her ear whispering, "I'd rather let my wife do it." He smiles with his eyes while facing inches away from her. She takes a deep breath before throwing the towel over his head. He follows her smirking mischievously. She begins to set the couch.

"You're not actually planning on sleeping out here, are you?" He moves closer, his gaze fixed on her as he sits down on the edge of the couch, his hand gently tracing over her foot curves, taking into his hand.

"I.. am.." She flinches and says in a low voice. He gently massages the soft skin of her feet, tracing her anklet now, leans forward, his face hovering just above hers.

"We're married now, darling. Which means that you belong in our bed. With me. Every night."

"I told you... I'm just not ready yet to share it." She says in a low tone.

"You keep saying that, but you're my wife now. It's expected of us to share a bed. You can't just sleep on the couch every time we get intimate." He moves even closer, his body pressing against hers as he leans on his forearms, practically pinning her down into the couch.

"Do you know how hard it is for me to go to bed, knowing that you're not there next to me? It's torture." He pauses for a moment, his mind slowly processing her previous statement. He realizes she's right - they've only been married for a day, and she's not as comfortable with the idea of sharing a bed with him yet.

He takes a deep breath, his body still pinning her down into the couch but his grip loosening slightly. He looks down at her, his eyes searching hers in the dim light, still burning with desire, every fiber of his being wanting to take her right then and there. But he knows he has to respect her boundaries, as much as it pains him to do so.

"Fine. You can sleep here tonight, if that's what you want. But only tonight." He leans down, nuzzling into her neck, his lips hovering just above her skin without touching it.

"Just know that I won't be as patient tomorrow night." He lingers there for a moment, breathing in her scent, before slowly pulling away. His body feels taut like a bowstring, his muscles tense with the effort to resist just hauling her to the bed right now.

He rises from the couch, his gaze locking onto hers for a moment longer before he turns away, heading towards the bed.

"Good night, love."

"Sleep well." She says feeling a little guilt at her pushing him away. He glances back at her once more, his eyes lingering on her form, still lounging on the couch, looking deliciously tousled and disheveled. It takes all his self-control to keep walking towards the bed and not scoop her up in his arms and carry there himself.

He gives her a fleeting smile before laying on the bed.

The early morning sunlight filters gently through the curtains, falling in dappled patterns across the room. The rain from the night before has subsided, leaving a serene stillness in its wake.

She blinks her eyes open, waking up only to find him on the couch cuddling her...

She blinks her eyes open, waking up only to find him on the couch cuddling her

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