Chapter-21 (Such a tease!)

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The rest of the meal passes in a somewhat awkward silence, the tension still palpable among the four of them. He can feel his parents' eyes on him and her, their glances filled with unspoken questions and concern. Once everyone finishes eating, his father clears his throat.

"Well, your mom and I have some errands to run. We'll be out for a few hours. You kids behave yourselves, alright?"

"Have a good date." she smiles at them adorably.

His parents smiles back at her, their faces slightly softened by the sweetness. His father pats her shoulder affectionately.

"Thanks, sweetheart. We'll be back soon. You two take care, okay?"

They gather their things and bid them farewell, his mother giving her a knowing and slightly concerned look before they leave. Once they're out the door, there's a quiet moment of stillness as they are left alone in the house.

Arthav stands there for a moment, the silence between them heavy with tension and unspoken words. He looks at her, his eyes filled with conflicted emotions. Part of him wants to talk to her, to try and fix things, but the other part is afraid of making things worse. He fidgets with his hands, his mind at war with itself.

He watches as she retreat back to her work space, a pang of hurt and helplessness in his chest. He wants to follow her, but hesitates, knowing that she probably need some space right now. He lets out a frustrated sigh and runs his hands through his hair, feeling lost and unsure of how to navigate this delicate situation.

He stands there for a few moments, his mind going through a whirlwind of emotions. He knows he has to do something to make things right, but he's not sure how. After a while, he finally summons the courage to follow her into her work space, his footsteps slow and hesitant.

He stands in the doorway, watching her as she sits at her desk, her focus completely on work. He clears his throat gently, not wanting to startle her.

"Hey...can I talk to you for a minute?"


He slowly approaches her, his heart pounding in his chest. He stands next to her, his body tense and his eyes watching her every move.

"Can we...can we talk, please? Just for a minute?"

She turns around. "mmh hmm."

He takes a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before speaking.

"I...I just wanted to apologize. For everything. For messing up, for causing this tension between us. I know I've been careless, and I know I've hurt you. And I'm sorry."

"Uh- don't have to apologize...I mean what are you even saying sorry for?..." She sighs. "I'm just having some mood swings...just forget about that....I get like this at times... never mind"

He frowns slightly at that, his eyes studying her closely. He can see the effort she's making to downplay the situation, to act as if everything is fine.

"No, it's not just mood swings, and you know it. I've been careless, and I said things that hurt you. You don't have to pretend it's nothing just to make me feel better."

"It's alright....take it easy...I'm fine." she nods.

He lets out a frustrated sigh, shaking his head slightly.

"No, I won't take it easy. I can see how this is affecting you, even if you don't want to admit it. You've been distant, and you're avoiding me. It's obvious that you're not okay."

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