13 - Because of you.

214 13 8

eyeheartmialotte <3


Siobhan drops the flowers in her hand and looks back down into the water, her gaze goes up to the stars. She realises it's not worth it. The stars are already bloody red, it reminds her of the blood she drew from Roger when she first hit him back.

She has a better idea, she moves herself of the bridge back onto the ground. Siobhan grabs the flowers.

As she walks off a car with a familiar license plate goes past, her whole face goes completely white. She feels some sort of fear go through her, it made her blood run cold.

She turns the other way and follows the road, she does anything in her power to avoid the car. She doesn't want to the face that person, not now.

The walk was dragging on, Siobhan almost collapsed while walking up the isolated hill. Her limbs aching from the treck she's doing and everywhere else being sore from where Roger had previously hit her before his death. Siobhan looks down at the flowers she had bought for Viv as a thank you but she realised they're the flowers Roger use to get her.

She now has a completely different plan for the flowers.

As much as she'd enjoy giving them to Viv her mind is elsewhere. She misses Roger, as much as she hates to admit it he brought her some sense of comfort. That's why she distances herself from Vivian most of the time, she's so use to be screamed at and hit. So when Vivian shows her some sort of love and affection it makes her feel sick. She's never felt anything like that before.

Siobhan comes to a halt at the arched metal gate, she pushes it open and walks in. She lingers around waiting for everyone else to leave.

The time comes.

She walks over to Roger's gave and she gets hit with a wave of sickness and anger. He put her through hell for many years with no break.

Siobhan drops the flowers in her hand and looks back down into the water, her gaze goes up to the stars. She realises it's not worth it. The stars are already bloody red, it reminds her of the blood she drew from Roger when she first hit him back.

She has a better idea, she moves herself of the bridge back onto the ground. Siobhan grabs the flowers.

As she walks off a car with a familiar license plate goes past, her whole face goes completely white. She feels some sort of fear go through her, it made her blood run cold.

She turns the other way and follows the road, she does anything in her power to avoid the car. She doesn't want to the face that person, not now.

The walk was dragging on, Siobhan almost collapsed while walking up the isolated hill. Her limbs aching from the treck she's doing and everywhere else being sore from where Roger had previously hit her before his death. Siobhan looks down at the flowers she had bought for Viv as a thank you but she realised they're the flowers Roger use to get her.

She now has a completely different plan for the flowers.

As much as she'd enjoy giving them to Viv her mind is elsewhere. She misses Roger, as much as she hates to admit it he brought her some sense of comfort. That's why she distances herself from Vivian most of the time, she's so use to be screamed at and hit. So when Vivian shows her some sort of love and affection it makes her feel sick. She's never felt anything like that before.

Siobhan comes to a halt at the arched metal gate, she pushes it open and walks in. She lingers around waiting for everyone else to leave.

The time comes.

She walks over to Roger's gave and she gets hit with a wave of sickness and anger. He put her through hell for many years with no break.

"Because of you I'm afraid of being loved by someone just incase they turn out like you. I hate you for everything you've done.

Everyone accused me of being with you for your money, yes that's true, but you use to be so gentle and loving towards me until you changed. When you forced me to marry you my whole world crumbled, I hurt the woman who loves and cares for me.

I'm frightened of Vivian turning out the way you did. You're one nasty animal. You put me, Reece, Autumn and Mia through years of manipulation and mental abuse. I'm not certain if you ever put Mia through physical abuse but you hurt the girl. She's lucky she has Charlotte to rely on. Hopefully I can be like them one day, I want to be happy.

I know you're thinking that and saying that noone could ever love me but Viv does. She was always there for me when you weren't. She realised the signs.

We all deserved better from you. You failed as a father and a husband. I don't care how harsh these words are because it's true.

You really did fail everyone around you.

Mia doesn't know that I know but she thought she owed you alot since high school, do you remember paying for her to go to Cranford? Yeah.

You simply don't care about anyone around you and you never have.

I had a good talk with Charlotte and she explained everything to me. We went through the same shit Roger. That makes you and Billy abouslute cowards.

You'll never be a man, you're just a boy.

A grown man will NEVER treat a woman or his children like that.

You fucking bastard."

After Siobhan had a talk to the tomb she threw the flowers down on the floor and set them alight.

She watched as they burnt, after talking about the trauma he had put her through she felt hatered and disgust towards the dead man.

Once the flowers turnt to ash she stomps on the grave, she spits directly on the tomb where his name was written.

She feels a hand on her shoulder, Siobhan turns around and her body freezes in shock.

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