16 - Talk.

168 10 4

(Siobhans POV)

I took a deep breath, holding both Vivs hands in mine.

Shes beautiful.

Shes my girlfriend.

My. Girlfriend.

I got completely lost in her eyes before she spoke up,

V: "Bon-Bon? what is it?"

S: "Oh right sorry your eyes are just hypnotic."

I hold her hands tight with mine, feeling my trembling against her soft and still skin.

S: "I love you, and I love Jamie. So much."

She nodded back at me, but i could tell she was slightly scared for whatever she thought i was going to say.

I put on some of her favorite songs,

Truthfully, they were becoming mine too.

Call Your mom - Noah Kahan

After some lyrics id pause it and explain how it realated to us.

"Dont let this darkness fool you,
All lights turned off can be turned on."

S: "I felt like everything was crushing down around me before i found you. You were my lightswitch."

I explained the unpaused it,

"Ill drive, Ill drive all night.
Ill call your mom"

S: "Your mom, she's just as wonderful as you. I see where you get everything from. The kindness, the love, all of it. It amazes me. Her strength and compassion shine through in everything you do. It's clear that she has had a profound influence on the person you've become, and I feel incredibly fortunate to witness it. Every time you show kindness or offer a helping hand, I can see a piece of her in you. It's like she's passed on all the best parts of herself to you, and you carry that legacy forward with so much grace and warmth. I admire that about both of you."

"Oh dear dont be discouraged,
Ive been exactly where you are."

Vivian pauses it this time.

V: "I was with someone controling too. Thats why i had to save you."

I nearly start crying. She suffered as i had? But it didnt matter—I needed to ask her. Soon.

I unpause it,

"Waiting room and no place to stand
His greatest fears and wringing hands
and the loudest silence."

S: "When the hospital called you a few days back, when Roger had died. I went over with Autumn, Reece, and Mia at the hospital. None of us were mourning his death, but we all cried. Not for him, not for ourselves, but for each other. He went to great lengths to traumatize us. We all had made a silent understanding, that we'd start helping one another. His greatest fear was dying before any of us. And we survived. All of his abuse."

I paused, trying to hold back tears. Why was I crying? He's dead. For good. The memories of his cruelty and the years of pain he inflicted on us flooded my mind. We had endured so much, and now, standing there together, we felt a mix of relief and sorrow. It was as if the weight of his existence had finally lifted, but the scars he left behind still ached.

S: "We're free, darling, For good."

I whispered, my voice trembling. The words felt surreal, almost like a dream. For so long, freedom had been an abstract concept, something we longed for but never truly believed we could attain. Now, it was real. We were free to heal, to rebuild our lives, and to support each other in ways we never could under his oppressive shadow.

Before she responded i unpaused the song.

"If you could see yourself like this.
If you could see yourself like this,
You would've never tried it."

S: "Before you, I was lost in a dark abyss, trying to take my own life on multiple occasions. Each attempt was a desperate cry for an end to the unbearable pain that consumed me. If I could go back and tell my broken self that I would one day find you, the one who would bring light into my darkest days, I would have stopped trying to die so damn hard. I would have whispered to my shattered soul that love was waiting just around the corner, and that the agony I felt was temporary. But I didn't know that then, and my heart ached with a loneliness so profound that it felt like drowning in an endless sea of sorrow. Im so glad you saved me."

"Stayed on the line the entire night
Til you told me that you had to go"

Vivian pauses it again, I know what shes going to say.

V: "When you called me that first night, After he had broke your rib... I wouldve stayed on the line all night. all day. And when you left with him, I had to accept it—You had to go."

I smile at her and unpause it.

Sell your soul to Jesus"

She didnt pause it, but they both knew what it meant. Vivian started taking the blonde to church with her and Jamie.

"Throw a punch,
Fall in love."

A small chuckle came from both of them, but no words.


"Give yourself a reason."

I paused it,

S: "Youre my reason. Youre why im alive. Happily, Alive."

"Don't wanna drive another mile without knowin'
you're breathin'"

S: "I hate not being with you. Irrational fear, i know, but i just feel like youll leave."

won't you stay,
won't you stay,
won't you stay with me?"

I got off the couch and onto one knee, pulling out a tiny ring box with a gold ring-band, perfected with a Sapphire.

S: "Viv, my darling. Will you give me the honor of calling you my wife? From the moment we met, I knew there was something incredibly special about you. Your love and support have been my guiding light, and I can't imagine spending my life with anyone else. Marrying you would be the greatest privilege of my life. I promise to cherish and adore you, to stand by your side through every joy and challenge, and to love you more with each passing day. You complete me in ways I never thought possible, and I want to spend the rest of my life making you as happy as you make me. So, will you be my forever?"

She threw her arms around me, sobbing yes repeatedly.

I pulled her away and slid the ring onto her finger, then put on the same one, but with an emerald, of course.

I hugged her again and smothered my soon to be wife with kisses.

"Don't let this darkness fool you
All lights turned off can be turned on"



Originally, i wanted to post this during September, hoping this could show how much better things get, But unfortunately, i got too busy and couldnt.

My dms are always open for anyone. Don't hesitate.

@Sarathewaitresseswife on TikTok and insta.

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