9 - A new low

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Siobhan stayed quiet the whole car ride, fidgeting with her ring as Roger drank and swerved the car through traffic.

Vivian sent Jamie to his grandparents after she finally stopped sobbing, she didnt want him seeing her like this. He didnt need to see his mother in pain.

Vivian hit a new low. She didnt leave her bed, she bearly ate, she lost all her strength when Siobhan left. Jamie stayed with Vivians parents for a month after Siobhans leave, until Stephan forced her to open up.
Vivian was a mess, she had skipped work and stayed in bed, her hair all matted and her body clinging onto Siobhans hoodie she left, desperately trying to think she was there.

"I always parked my car in the same spot in the nurserys carpark, no natter what. one day this parent got mad and she took it to yhe board. thats when i met Siobhan. Siobhan Serpent. You know how cold she is, but i saw more. I could see a pastly lit spark in her eyes, so i desperately tried to relight it. She was still with Roger. She and him weren't happy, she was more like a toy of his. Used then discarded. Played with then sat down and neglected until bored once more." Vivian took a shaky breath, near the verge of tears. "I miss her so much." She stammered out, her voice choking with tears. "I know you do, But you cant let it control you Vivian. She wouldnt want you to," With that, Stephan pulled the nurse into his arms, holding her tight. "I cant help it," "Thats why im here. ill help." He replied quickly, holding Vivian and rubbing her back, trying to soothe her.

They stayed him holding her limp body, Vivians sobbed soaking his shirt. "I know it hurts, and i know you miss her but Jamie misses you. Vivian, you have to understand that Siobhan isnt here currently, but shell come back. i know she will. Rather that be sooner or later i cannot tell. She wouldnt want you to loose yourself because of her, am i right?" She nodded weakly against his shoulder, her tears and breathing steading. "She isnt gone forever." he repeated, letting go of her so he could look into her eyes.


Roger was drinking his whiskey and driving, swerving through traffic and screaming at Siobhan. His words didn't hurt her anymore, she was use to it, it was his actions that hurt. Quite literally. Then his voice trailed off, When she looked over to her horror, Roger was passed out.

She quickly put her hands on the wheel, trying to save her life while dialing 999 at the same time. "my.. husband- he passed out while driving. i cant control the wheel help please." she said as soon as they answered her call, her voice shaky and fearful "Just hang on," the woman on the other line said "Are you on a main road?" "n-no," the blonde replied in a stammer. "What's your name? Siobhan? thats a gorgeous name sweetheart," The woman on the line said, her voice trying to soothe Siobhan.

Finally, cops and ambulances appeared and cut the car off, making it ram into a car. Shortly after the paramedics took Siobhans limp body out of the car, her face tear filled and red. She was awake and alert, terrified and crying.

"Siobhan, sweetheart calm down, deep breaths okay? In......Out." the woman who answered the call said, gently holding Siobhans hands.

"Can you feel the tension?" || TNN - A Shivian Sob Story || Co-WrittenWhere stories live. Discover now