Chapter 29💜🦋

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Vaanga vaanga story kulla polaa🚴‍♀️💜🦋

'Kutty warm-up chapter before diving into the more exciting parts 🌚'



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When I opened my eyes, believing I had just dreamt of him pulling my hand, asking me to sit beside him, apologizing, urging me to say something, and speaking with me animatedly in secret, I froze. But, then my eyes landed on the figure next to me—my professor. In that moment, I realized with a jolt that it was not a dream at all.

Everything that happened was real.

And that made me blush.

Achacho, perumaaleyyy !

(Oh my god)

I grinned as I looked at him, sleeping soundly with his arms crossed below his chest, veins visible, and legs spread wide like a carefree child. His white tshirt had ridden up, revealing a bit of skin. 

Shaking my head with a smile, I gently tugged his vest back down. Then, I sat up straight, admiring his peaceful sleep, letting my legs dangle from the seat. Crossing my arms below my chest, just like him, I leaned my cheek against the seat, watching him with a quiet sense of admiration.

Whenever he was beside me, I always made sure to get him to share everything on his mind and heart with me.

And those eyes, once filled with yearnings, slowly softened as he began teasing me back, flashing that smile—followed by that irresistible, hot smirk.

I'm loving him more and more as each day and night passes, and that love deepens my desires for us—to hold each other close, to embrace, console, care, love, and comfort one another. It's so much more than just physical intimacy; it's about the connection we share in every way.

Because, until now, I never imagined being with him in that kind of intimate closeness. All I truly want is for him to love me back and to have me by his side, always. For me, that's the greatest form of intimacy.

I hope that happens soon, but even if it doesn't, I still wish him everything good. Because, I just want him to have a happy life, even if it's with som..

I stopped and my heart skipped a beat when his tied hands were freed. He took a deep breath, and one of his hands fell onto the seat between us, brushing against my thigh. I quickly shifted closer to the window and let out a sigh of relief. 

However, I frowned as he groaned in his sleep, his head shifting restlessly from side to side, trying to find a comfortable position but failing. With a deep sigh, he attempted to open his eyes. I acted swiftly, placing my upper arm over his shoulder and letting the side of his head rest against my shoulder, his temple finding a resting place there.

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