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After a while of waiting she answered

Y/n: Hello?

Y/n's voice came through the phone, sounding a bit weary but otherwise okay. Taehyung felt relief after hearing her voice.

Taehyung : Hey, is everything alright?

Taehyung : I was worried because you left the office without informing me today..

Y/n: oh actually, i wasn't feeling okay and also I didn't want to disturb you..

Taehyung sighed, feeling a mixture of concern and irritation.

Taehyung : Why didn't you tell me?

Taehyung : You know I would have taken you to your house if you told me that you weren't feeling well..

Y/n: I reached home safely, don't worry.

Taehyung : Okay, I'm glad you got home safely. But next time, promise me you'll let me know if you're not feeling well, okay?

There was a moment of silence as Taehyung waited for her response.

Y/n: I will..

she finally said, her voice a bit quieter now.

Taehyung wanted to ask more, to make sure she was really alright, but he could sense the exhaustion in her voice. He didn't want to push her further.

Taehyung : Get some rest, okay?

Y/n: I will

she replied, her voice softer now.

Y/n: Thank you for worrying, Tae..

Saying that she cut the call. Taehyung let out a weary sigh as the call ended.
He was still concerned about her, but he didn't want to push her boundaries. He decided to respect her need for space and went back to his house.

Time skip

As he walked into his apartment. He kicked off his shoes. He understood that she's probably feeling guilty for her mistake..

He went straight to his room and changed into something comfortable. Then laid down on his bed.
He picked up his phone from the nightstand thinking of texting her. But he didn't want to disturb her now , so he put it down again. Instead, he turned off the lights and closed his eyes, trying to drift off to sleep.

Next day

Taehyung woke up the next morning feeling tired. He had slept poorly. After doing his morning routine, he went downstairs , saw his mother in the kitchen and his father was reading a newspaper. He greeted them.

After having his breakfast. He went to his office.

As he arrived at the office, he noticed that
y/n was already there.

She looked tired as if she hadn't slept well either. He hesitated for a moment, thinking that should he talk to her or give her space.

Taehyung looked at her for a moment, his heart feeling heavy at the sight of her weary expression.

He wanted to ask her if she was alright, but he held himself back. Instead, he forced a neutral expression and walked to his room.

As he sat on his chair, he tried to focus on his work, but he found himself stealing glances at Y/n throughout the glass door. She was working quietly, her head down as she typed away on her computer.

A Love that can't be ignore [Taehyung FF]Where stories live. Discover now