wait | part 9

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He doesn't return the rest of the day for the classes

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He doesn't return the rest of the day for the classes. And he's left the tweet few mins ago which makes me question life.

I wanna text him so bad but then again I feel like I'd be invading his personal space.

That rude lady shouldn't have scolded him out so harsh. Afterall, we are just kids trying to live life.

I just hope my boy is okay.

(At the end of the academic hours)

I rush to leave. It's not like me to die to leave college, today- am just dying to see Felix.

At the back gate, I remind myself. Da-eun blows a flying kiss before leaving for the bus which immediately makes me feel better but not less worried.

Because Felix isn't here.
He told me to wait, yeah. So I'll wait.

Our backgate is much secluded because mostly the bullies and couples come here to do their stuff. Teachers don't give a fuck about what goes on here. It's a secret colony out here.

I stand under a tree with the road outside the gate just in sight. It's 4:45 pm.
Tuitions got over early today. The sun is still shining bright but the winds suggest a cold night.

5 pm he had said. It's still time.
I plug in my earphone and hit the Spotify to calm my racing mind.
I send a text to Felix too.

Slowly minutes turn into how many hours lord knows...

My heart flies to my throat when out of no where something drops on me- A cloth or could say a dress.
At first, am scared but then slowly it turns disgusting.

It's prom dress. Dropped from the sky. Wtf?

I spot Jennie- the girl you was about to ask Felix out- walking towards me with 5-6 more people. I don't realise they are laughing until I unplug my earphones.

"Is this some kind of joke?" I try not to sound rude. There are a few boys with her group of friends too.

"You mean, you? Yeah sure!" Jennie points and the whole gang cheers.
Wtf is actually going on?

I pull the dress away and drop it. I blink at them in disbelief- "Are you trying to pick a fight?"

They all exchange looks. Jennie steps forwards almost eating her lipstick off.
"Are you waiting for someone?" Her hips sway in the most girlish way ever possible.

I have a bad feeling about where this is going.

"It's none of your business." I turn to walk away but then a boy blocks my way. Trying not to act startled, I step back in defense.

"Heyah! Who does she think she is? Facing away from us eh?" One of the comments from behind.

Jennie holds out a hand to silence them- "Polite y'all. It's Lee Felix's prom partner we're fucking with here."

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