storm | part 10

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____________FELIX'S POV____________

I speed my bike while glancing at my watch. It's almost 6. Am late

Chae must be waiting.

I tried so hard to escape the bloody lecture from my mentor of my company.
Apparently, the Korean teacher reported me. Wow. She really must hate my guts.

Who doesn't?

Not to mention another 69 marks worthy earful of essay on how not to escape from reality. Because I hypothetically disappeared the rest of the day until they found me.

I went to Hyunjin's house, Chan's house, my favourite restaurant, the farmland my uncle owns, arcade and many more places where they could never find me.

But the most time I spent was at the place I and Chae first met.

I had to switch my phone off too so that they couldn't track me down. While I wait on the signal, I quickly switch it back on clumsily.
5 new texts from Chae. Fuck me.
I don't reply back.

I'll reply with my lips instead as soon as I meet her, am sorry.

Wtf did I just-
Mental slap.

A few speed trackers beep but idfc. I feel pathetic to make her wait so long.
Wait, what if she left?
How will I make upto her?
How do I explain I zoned out and then got heck of a session for it?

I halt my bike at the backgate. It's already closed; it obviously does at 5:30 itself.
I look around for her. She's nowhere.

I quickly take my phone out and call her. (I stole her number from the registration: it's a need, come on.)

No response. Okay she's mad I guess.

"Oh, Yongbok-ssi?" The security guard appears from inside. It's a surprise he recognises me with all my attire on i.e the cap, evergreen mask, hood, etc etc.

I know this uncle. He usually backs up for me when I get into the store room. He's been the kindest to me here amongst the staff.

"Mr. Twae? It's your night shift, I see?" My thoughts are occupied by Chae, Chae and only Chae but I gotta stay polite.

"Yes," he sighs, "What brings you here at this hour? Need the gate unlocked?" He is weak old man but with humble heart I swear.

"Uh, no thank you sir. Am looking for someone..." I run a hand through my hair and look around. As if she might be just here in the corners, hiding- admiring me like she always does.

"The girl?"
"Ah, you know her?" I am relieved.
"Yeah, she was in the store room for a long time too today: she just left."

I don't waste any second and race my bike. I can thank him later.

The back route from Yonsei is long lean road with scenic lights. They are on right now. It's sunset time so yeah. Oh damn.

Maybe I and Chae could watch the sunset at a beach together today.

I finally spot her walking on the pavement slowly. Almost like... limping?!

My bike roars as I reached parallel to her. She halts mid tracks. I stop too.

Her hair looks pretty even though it's pretty. The street light falls on her face but her expression is not readable.
She's seems so cutely mad at me and it almost *beep* *beep* *beep*

"Chae, I swear I can explain. Am sorry. The company mentor held me down. I was dying to get here. Trust me, if you thought I'd ditch you, I could never."

Before I get to say another word, she walks and climbs on. Huh? I expected her to throw a tantrum, hit me on the arm like she usually does, glare at me but no.

She's silent and it's weighing me down.

She's close behind me her breathes slow and careful. I guess, I need to just ride?

I do start the bike. Her hand is on my shoulder. A funny urge is to wrap it around me but then again, I'd crossing the line.

"What's wrong?" I say looking at her from the side mirror. The street is empty and for the first time am glad my bike is silent.

"If you are still mad, I can make it upto- just gimme a chance."

Still no reply. Now this is stinging in my guts. I stop the bike. She is confused but keeps her grim expression.

"I won't move an inch until you tell what's wrong" My hand moves to her leg on the side of the bike.

What in the autopilot world was that Lee Felix?

I see her at the behind. Her eyes rest on my hand on her thighs. She gulps and gets down.

Okay shit Felix you screwed up.

I park the bike in a hurry but the by the time I get down she's already walking away.

"Chae, fuck- am sorry. Look I- am late I know. Don't leave me like this- please-" I grab her hand but she yanks it free and faces me.

"Leave me alone Felix."

And suddenly,
Tears in her peaceful eyes summon storms in my heart.

(Sincere apologies for the short chapter >< )

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