right person, wrong time.
right script, wrong line.
right poem, wrong rhyme.
and a piece of you,
that was never mine.
A Lee Felix from Stray Kids fanfiction🦋
If given a chance, I'd like to stay in this room forever. My life would revolve around in this mini paradise.
"What is this..." I breathe out still not able to process how Lix managed to transform the entire room into something beautiful just like him. "Our little home." his voice says from behind.
I run my finger across the matress of the couch and take in the vanilla-bourbonish scent in the surrounding. The room smells like him. The paintings on the wall are what catch my eyes the most.
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The kind of art which makes you wanna stare at it for hours. Many of them are which I never saw. Infact, I've seen hardly two of his workd i.e the rosy eye he was painting when we first met and the incomplete girl. Am drawn towards the woman's painting hug next to the rosy-eye one. "Oh, that? One of my favourite fantasies." Lix says.
She's naked, no face- laying lazily with twigs of creepers across her body; sunkissed and elegant filled. Raw, vulnerable, yet powerful. I wonder if a beautiful woman with such a tiny waist, glass skin, chocolate hair, full breasts, toned hands and edgy collarbones can ever exist.
"She's... divine." the painting has left me breathless. "She's you." he whispers behind my ear out of nowhere.
I turn to look into his dark blue eyes which might turn black any moment; bearing a part of himself that only few get to see, a stormy unguarded desire.
His mouth hovers close to mine, like a warning for me to step back and a chance to escape his dark ocean. But no, I choose to drown in him with every part of my existence.
It's gentle at first like the first notes of a song waiting for crescendo. But then, as if the dam broke, the kiss depened, his hands finding way to the back of my waist and pulling me closer into him until we're no longer two bodies. His coat which am wearing is hurried down to meet the ground. It's no longer -5 degree celcius. I let him consume me entirely savouring every bit of taste down my neck and the collarbone. His fingers reach the knots of the dress and untie them.
Given to the loose fittings of the gown, as soon as the knots are open, it falls down and pools at my ankles leaving me in nothing but my underwear; I remember insisting on wearing a bra and Da-eun fighting back saying it wont be convenient due to the design. OH WHAT A DAY TO LISTEN TO DA-EUN!!!
Felix steps back, his kiss lingering. I step out of the dress carefully as if am a doll made of glass. His eyes never meet mine but touch every part of my body from afar. The gaze, intense and filled with something which sends red colour to my cheeks.
"You are way more beautiful than I ever imagined..." He says, with his low deep voice as if loud words might shatter the moment.
My breath hitches at his words. It's the way he's looking at me right now which is making my knees go weak. Thank lord he's two steps away from me, holding my sanity. I laugh off my nervousness, "Oh no, I think the woman in the painting is more beautiful than I could ever be...." "No... If only you could see yourself the way I see you, you'd realise how big of a heaven-sent gift you are, Chae..."
His eyes finally meet mine, where I see us in places far beyond imagination. Now I know eye-fucking is a real thing. "Your eyes..." Suddenly I can neither speak or breathe. "What do you read...?" One step closer. Two step closer. Until his hand intertwines in mine.
Our hot breathes mix, rising the temperature. I cant seem to concentrate on my speech. "Cant put words to it?" I nod feverishly. "Right, some things cant be said- only shown."
His warm hand trace my waist warming the chilled skin; the other pushes my hair back from my shoulders. A tiny peck my jawline travels down to my collarbone as my hands lock behind his neck.
You know the point when the neck kisses become so crazy that it starts to feel like one hickey wont hurt? Am at that point of life right now. Lord. Have. Mercy. On. Me. This. Feels. So. Hot.
I am pinned on the wall between two paintings. My brain can't process the fact that Lee Fucking Felix from Fucking Stray Kids fantasizes me. I dont remember eating 12 grapes under the table on new year.
"Mmm, I dont feel like staining this pretty collarbone of yours, but uh...-" "A stain from Lee Felix isnt a bad one, I'll consider it a holy mark and worship it."
We laugh, that came out too cringely cheesy. "You sound like a priest," At this point I dont remember his normal voice anymore. "Come on, I dont know how to flirt well like you!" "Should I book classes for you with BangChan? "Please, do." We cant stop giggling.
He places a tiny peck on the exact line of the collarbone. There's a brief pause before his dig deep into my skin on the previous destined spot he decided. A pang of sting hits my nerve followed by a fraction second of pleasure and its done.
But something distracts my eye outside the top window. Droplets... or- "Snow!" I yell in excitment. Felix pulls back and follows my eyes. Looking back again at me his eyes are filled with excitment too. "Grab your dress quick-"
I hope into my gown and pull it up. His hands tie the knots as quick as possible and we both run outside the room in no time. Snowfall hits us as soon as we step outside. Felix stands beside me, his gaze fixed upwards as he catches a snowflake on his hand.
This cant be real. Please, how lucky am I to have my lix beside me in the snow?
______FELIX'S POV_____
Beneath the snow, time forgets its pace. Her warmth- my shelter. And the smile- my happiness. My Chae twirls under the snow, her giggles ringing in the quiet nights like a child. Snowflakes clung onto her hair, the hair yes- Something about her hair was utterly mesmerizing. Like I could twirl it twice in my fist and- Shut the fuck up, I've read too many ffs on wattpad now ig. Felix, grow up. Maybe its because our intercourse in the room previously is still left unsatisfied.
No, it might be taken wrong. This, what I have for my sunshine isnt just lust. Lust is something anyone could have for anyone. But what I have for her- is purely love. A love to watch her all day happy.
A love to follow her wherever she goes. A love to love her every night like its the last night. A love to hold her forever and die with a smile.
The world melts away when am with her. She finds joy in the smallest things which make me the happiest man on earth. Damn, I smile like a madman.
I've danced under thousand lights, and performed for our STAYs who I really adore but her hand inviting me to dance with her makes me feel the most alive. All the concerts and money and everything seem so small next to her.
I spin her around as her laugh doubled. "Miss Park Chae-ryo, may I have the privilege to dance with you under the snow?" "I was born for this, captian."
It is as though the world exists solely for this moment, her joy, and my realisation how deeply I have come to love her this far. Scares and surprises me, for I had always thought how could someone love another human more than they love themselves. Here I am, with just a mere 22 year old girl holding my entire world in her smile.
As we dance, our footsteps syncing gracefully, am song crosses my mind and I start to hum it. "I found a love, for me..." She gasps in joy hearing me sing. Right, me being an idol has come to use somewhere.
"Darling just dive right in and follow my lead..." Ed Sheeran, I love you bro. She seems so happy without a care in the world. Chae in snow has to be one my most favourite things in the world. As I come to sing the bridge, she joins in too.
"Baby... I'm, dancing in the dark. With you between my arms- barefoot on the grass, listening to our favourite song-" We sing in unison leaving footprints on the blanket of snow beneath.
I have faith in what I see, now I know I have met an angel in person, and she looks perfect. And she looks perfect. And I dont deserve this, you look perfect tonight, Chae.