Love you to the moon and to Saturn

487 6 4

Taylor POV 

I am woken up by a sharp pain in my stomach, my body is filled with feeling of the uncomfortable sensation of cramps and i quickly realize what is happening.  This has got to be the worst time to get a period

I look over at a peacefully sleeping Travis and get out of bed hoping that i don't wake him up. As soon as i get out of his bed i look down at where i was previously laying and see his white sheets now have red on them, I internally curse myself for sleeping through it to the point that i bled everywhere. 

I hurry to the bathroom and remove the bottom half of my clothes to see that obviously they too have blood all over them. 

Not knowing what to do and feeling so embarrassed i look around the bathroom for my phone to call someone for help but i quickly realize that it is still on Travis' bedside table. 

"Ughhh" I groan out now having no idea what to do. 

I wasn't planning on staying over at Travis' house last night, we were just having dinner but it got so late that he didn't want me going home so instead we stayed up until the early hours of the morning talking about everything. 

I also had no clothes with me because i wasn't planning on staying so Travis had happily offered me to sleep in his way too beg clothes that i had now ruined with blood. 

"Taylor" I hear Travis from his bedroom 

"I am in the bathroom" I call out 

"Are you okay?" He asks as i can hear him getting closer 

"Yeah i umm i'm fine" I stutter still unsure of what to do 

"You sure?" 

"Yeah can you just bring me my phone?" I call out 

Seconds later Travis is knocking on the door with my phone, This part i also didn't fully think about. How was i going to walk across his bathroom to get the phone 

"I ummm can you just kind of throw it in here please" 

"Throw your phone?" 

"Yes please Travis i need it" I complain 

"What's wrong, i can't open the door to throw it inside"

"I just need to call someone to bring me some things and clothes" I mumble out embarrassed"

"I mean if you come out i can give you your phone" He offers and i shake my head even though he can't see it 

"No no i can't come out" I instantly say 

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asks again 

"No i. Travis i started my period and i have nothing here and no clothes and i need to get someone to bring me something because I've been sitting here for like twenty minutes and i'm cold" I complain 

"Okay well tell me what you need and i will go and get it" He explains 

"Are you sure?" I ask 


I quickly tell Travis what i need and he leaves, telling me i can have a shower and that he left a towel outside of the door for me. I get into the shower still feeling mortified that this happened, we have only been dating for a few weeks and i never thought about this happening. 

After awhile I get out of the shower to open the door and get my towel and also take the products from Travis. 

I quickly take care of myself and quickly get ready for the day, I walk out of the bathroom already feeling embarrassed that i had Travis' clothes neatly folded in my arms holding them tightly because of the blood but the feeling of embarrassment gets even worse what i see Travis taking the sheets off of his bed. 

"I'm so sorry i was coming to clean them" I quickly say 

"No don't apologize you are guest you don't have to clean" He tells me as he continues to remove everything off the bed 

"I didn't mean to make a mess, i'm sorry i know it's disgusting i will buy you all new things" I offer but he shakes his head 

"It is normal don't worry about it" He says as he drops the sheets and starts walking over to me 

"I'm sorry" I say again 

"Stop saying sorry i really don't care about the sheets, but i do care about you. How are you feeling?" He asks as he moves his arms forward towards me to take his clothes out of my arms but i quickly tighten my grip on them and shake my head 

"What's wrong?" He asks confused 

"I can take these and clean them i really didn't mean to get them dirty" I whisper 

Travis gently puts his hands over mine and take the clothes from my arms before he throws them into the same basket as the sheets that he just removed from the bed. He walks back over to me and pulls me close into him, with his arms holding me 

"I promise it isn't a big deal they can be washed by me" He says before kissing my forehead 

"i-" I start to say but am cut off 

"If you are about to say that you are sorry" Travis laughs out 

"Come on lets go get some breakfast" He talks my hand and leads me towards the door but quickly stops as he looks me up and down causing me to blush 

"This can not be comfortable" He pokes at my dress that i had wore for dinner last night 

"It's not" I giggle 

Travis lets go of my hand and walks over to his cupboard before taking out a new set of clothes,  A pair of black sweatpants and a Chiefs shirt handing them to me 

"Go get changed and then come down stairs okay baby" I nod my head and walk back into the bathroom 

Once i was changed i do as asked and walk downstairs to see Travis making breakfast 

"You look stunning" Travis says as he pulls as the Chiefs shirt, pulling me closer and wrapping a arm around my back 

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