Can we always be this close?

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Taylor POV 

I loved nothing more than being a mother, to have another favourite human, to have someone else to love. 

Spencer was two and the best child i have met, maybe i am biased but she is the funniest, most adorable and cutest kid I've ever laid eyes on. She was a clingy child which i loved, she always wanted a hug and would constantly want to hold hands or just be close to another person

Right now i am laid down on the couch with Spencer wrapped in my arms as she watched her favourite show on the television. I love days like this, where we would lay together as i help her bringing us both comfort. 

Halfway through her next episode Travis walked in the door as he came home from Practice, He was already dressed in his  normal clothes which told me that he had showered at the stadium. He quickly makes his way over to the couch to the two of us 

"Can i get in on this?" He asks as he moved his finger between the two of us 

"If you can make room" I laughed

"Hey Spencie baby can i cuddle mummy now?" He kisses Spencer on the head 

"No Daddy she is cuddling me" She shakes her head 

"I want a cuddle too" He complains 

"Come here Travis" I move one of my hands to grab Travis' and pull him closer 

Travis lowers himself onto the couch and he lays his head on my shoulder and wraps one of his arms around my stomach. I literally couldn't move off this couch if my life depended on it. 

"Are you okay baby?" I move my head to face Travis 

"Yeah" He nods

"You just seem off, is there anything i can do?"

"I just want to be close to you" He explains and i nod 

For a good half an hour we all lay on the couch wrapped up in each other until i glance at the clock and see that it is time to start cooking dinner 

"Travis baby, can you get up?" I move my head to face him as i ask 

"Why?" He complains 

"I need to get up and start cooking" I explain and he reluctantly gets up 

Once i'm off the couch and standing up properly i lean down to let go of spencer and place her on the couch 

"No mummy" She whines 

"I'm sorry sweetheart, i need to go and make you some food" I try to explain but she only grips to me harder 

"Okay fine you can come" I give in 

Trying to  cook dinner with toddler hanging from you is quite challenging but when you add a grown man standing behind you, it is nearly impossible to move 

"Are you sure you are okay?" I ask Travis as i try to move around the kitchen 

"I'm okay, sorry am i being annoying?" He shyly asks 

"No you're not it's just hard to move around with you both attached to me" I laugh out

"I'm sorry"

"It's okay, what if you go sit over there with spencer and after we eat dinner i promise we can cuddle all night" I offer and i feel him nod against me before leaving a patch of kisses on my shoulder 

"Spencie baby you can hang out with daddy for a bit while i make food" I try to explain while handing her over to Travis 

"No mummy" She protests 

"I love you sweetheart but i cant cook with you" 

She goes to Travis even though she doesn't want to but quickly cuddles up to him the same way she was to me just before. Now that i don't have two humans holding me in a spot and i can move around easier, the dinner get cooked a lot faster and way easier. 

I place all the food onto the table and move to put spencer in her stool on the chair but she complains and clings to me so i give up and let her sit on my lap while we both eat our dinner. Travis comes out moments later and his face falls when he sees his food is placed in front of the chair next to me 

"What's wrong?" I ask 

"I want you close" He frowns 

"Baby you are next to me, there isn't much closer you can get" I chuckle 

Travis then moves to place his hands on my waist and pulls me and spencer up before placing us both on his lap, he then moves so all three of our bowls are Infront of his one chair. 

"You are impossible" I laugh 

"No i am in love" He says back 

We all eat dinner in silence with me on Travis' lap and spencer on mine, towered up all on one chair despite the fact that we are sitting at at a table that can comfortably sit ten people at least.

After dinner i try to go and clean up the kitchen but am pulled straight to the living room and onto our circular couch. I lie down with Spencer tucked under one of my arms slowly falling asleep Travis' head on my stomach while i run my nails through his hair. 

I knew that their would be days in the future were spencer would grow up and no longer want to cuddle up with her mum on the coach and Travis wouldn't always be this clingy so i took a deep breath and appreciated the life i had in my arms.  

I always knew growing up that i wanted a family and i feel so blessed that i finally have two people in my life that i can count my blessings on and love unconditionally. I was finally happy. 

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