🦅Headcannons - 2🦅

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Headcannon time again!!


- After every mass extinction event, Earth cuts his hair. Hair holds memories after all, and why would you want to remember such a horrible way for life to end.

-Stars have to learn how to rule their systems, so Star-Rooms were created. It's like school for stars essentially. 3 Students (3 star systems of any type of star) and 1 teacher (red giants or blue supergiants usually) are in a room. Who a star gets as their teacher can make or break a solar system. Sun is said to have had one of the better teachers in the Milky Way, but look how that turned out.

- Earth once took Jupiter down to ancient Egypt, specifically the library of Alexandria. He a lot of the books there. Ever since Earth told him the library burnt down, Jupiter mourns the loss of the library of Alexandria every day.

- Earth is a sleepy guy. Half the time anyone tries to find him, he's sleeping. And for all the times he's sleeping, like 10% of it he's actually on his surface.

- The kuiper belt dwarf planets and the ETNO's (extreme trans neptunian objects, in this case the non kuiper belt dwarf planets) have major beef. It's mostly Pluto and Gonggong. But Ceres will try and bite Quaoar on sight.

- The reason Planet X doesn't have moons is that Saturn and Jupiter took his two moons as trophies. They have since become Jupiters really faint and Saturns more prominent rings.

- X knows of the dwarf planet beef and sides with the ETNO's. He only sides with them because he himself is an ETNO, and because he thinks Pluto's a little bitch for whining about not being a planet anymore

- Neptune was sad after finding out that RIZZ app was pay to do anything on it (me too ☹️ ). Uranus was just disappointed Neptune almost payed $10 per week for RIZZ app.

- Neptune accidentally finds himself in some dwarf planet shenanigans sometimes.

- Earth is a the biggest yapper in the solar system. Especially about his earthlings and their theories regarding outer space.

- Titan still stalks Earth from time to time, but now it's mostly just waiting for the right moment to talk to Luna.

- Astrodude either has the shittiest or the best wifi depending on which side of the solar system he's in.

- Mercury, after he heard about his mythological counterpart, started adding wings to everything of his!

- Earth and Luna view each other as brothers. And they kind of are. In technical terms, though, they are the pure reincarnations of Proto-Earth and Theia.


I need it to be October 4th already so i can finally be done with Economics. I HATE THAT CLASS.

Anyway how are yall feeling about the new moon we're getting until November 25? I think it's chill :)

I hope yall enjoyed some more silly little headcannons!

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